5 Gentle Yoga Practices That Can Help You to Lose Weight


Today the large debate is, can yoga postures help to lose weight? Big yes, yoga can bring change and helps to lose weight. Studies show that yoga postures lowers levels of stress hormones and increases insulin sensitivity a signal to your body to burn food as fuel rather than store it as fat.

Not just to learn basic yoga practices you can also take admission in the professional yoga teacher training course to become a yoga teacher. But, here we are talking about some yoga practices that help to lose weight, let me describe some postures to help you to reshape your body.
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1-Surya Namaskar:

The Surya Namaskar, in other words, we can say sun salutation helps to detoxify your body. It is very effective if you perform it in morning, after many hours of lack of movement during sleep. Surya Namaskar tone up the internal abdominal organs by exchange of stretching and compression cycles that help in better digestion which helps to lose body weight. Try to do this practice at least two rounds in one time and you can see the difference.

2-Bhujangasana: The cobra pose:

This is yet another yoga posture that may help to lose body fat. The weight of your body came from the navel area and massages the digestive organ. That helps in digestion and removal of toxins from the human body. All Yoga training centers will suggest you this pose to reduce fat. Cobra pose gives strength to the muscles of the back, abdomen and the whole upper body and also makes the spine flexible. Hold this pose for 30 seconds or more as per your comfort and repeat it every morning to lose weight. You should avoid this exercise if you are pregnant or suffers from any spinal problem.

3-Boat pose:

This pose can make your body weight down. Just lie down on your back and as the name suggests “boat” make an angle of 45 degree or V-shaped position like a boat. Try holding the position for 10 seconds, to begin with, and try to increase timing day by day. You will feel your stomach muscles going very hard but surely this will help to kill your belly fat and you look slim.

4-Uttanpadasana (Raised foot pose):

This pose helps in getting rid of the fat from your lower abdominal parts of the body like hips and thighs. This posture can also help to the pregnant lady to reduce flab after giving the birth


5-Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)

This Asana is one of the basic poses of Hatha Yoga, and it helps to stimulate the center of your solar plexus which can reduce belly fat. The forward bend also gives a stretch to the lower abdominal region of the body like thighs, hipsFree Reprint Articles, and hamstrings. It is also an ideal for those who are suffering to digestive problems.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com


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