Hit the Reset Button With These 7 Self-Care Rituals to Refresh, Revitalize and Reset Mind + Body


Have you ever felt like you just need a break to recharge? That’s when you know it’s time for self-care.
We all need – and deserve – time to relax and recharge. And self-care is an important piece of this equation.
Often, we take care of everything and everyone else, leaving ourselves behind. But if we actually pause to take care of ourselves, we can be and feel at our best! And we can be even more efficient, productive and fulfilled in the roles we play in our lives.
“I just don’t have the time” or “It’s too expensive” are excuses that won’t work here. We should all practice self-care, no matter what our circumstances. Self-care doesn’t have to take a long time or cost a lot of money.
In fact, most of the self-care rituals I offer below are free or low-cost, and when you’re crunched for time, many can be done in 10 minutes or less.

Here Are 7 Self-Care Rituals That Will Refresh, Revitalize, and Reset Mind and Body:


1. Bathtime

You can transform any ordinary bath into a spa. Light a candle, play soft music, and add bath salts. I recommend using epsom salt and adding your favorite essential oils (think lavender and eucalyptus) to soothe the senses, relax tense muscles and provide stress relief.
Want to make your own DIY bath bombs? Here are 5 DIY Bath Recipes You’ve Gotta Try

2. Restorative Yoga at Home

Restorative Yoga is a form of gentle yoga that utilizes props and holds gentle stretches for longer periods of time to ease practitioners into a relaxed state.
Ready to try it at home? Check out this 17-Minute Restorative Yoga Sequence. YogiApproved has an online membership that lets you stream yoga videos anytime, anywhere

3. Naptime

Don’t ever underestimate the power of a nap! Listen to your body, if you feel tired and you need to rest, take a nap. It will make a huge difference in how you feel. Taking time (even if it’s just for a quick power nap) is a great way to show yourself some love – and that’s the basis of self-care!

4. Meditate

If you have never practiced meditation before, this might sound intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be! Simply sit cross legged or in a chair, close your eyes, and focus on your breath – inhaling and exhaling softly.
Carving out just a few minutes for this quite focus on your breath can do wonders for relieving stress and helping you feel more present. Meditation can be a wonderful self-care ritual – you just need to find the type that resonates with you.
If you’re new to meditation, check out this guide on How to Start a Daily Meditation Practice

5. Read a Book

Reading it can be so relaxing. Grab a new book (or your favorite classic) and get cozy. Take this self-care ritual to the next level and create an experience by finding a peaceful place (by the pool, the fireplace, in your bed, etc.). Sip your favorite beverage. Even if you only have ten minutes – relax and enjoy your book!
Looking for some reading inspiration? Here are 10 Books Every Yogi Should Read

6. Connect With Nature

Getting out in nature is one of the most effective, satisfying self-care rituals. There is something magical about Mother Nature that allows you to recharge your energy and hit that reset button. If you don’t have a lot of time, the simple act of going outside will help you feel grounded and calm.
Depending on the season and your location, enjoy what’s around you: walking in nature, hiking in the mountains, swimming in the ocean, sitting by a lake, or whatever is accessible to you.
Take your meditation outside with walking meditation! Here Are 4 Different Forms of Walking Meditation

7. Massage or Self-Massage

A full body massage can be pricey but worth the investment. A massage is a great way to relax mind and body, and you’ll come away feeling renewed. Getting a massage is an amazing self-care ritual that reminds you that you ARE worth it.
Don’t have time for a full massage or don’t want to pay for it? You can perform self-massage at home! Treat yourself to a nice foot or neck rub, or ask your significant other for a back massage. Self massage hack: use massage balls, a foam roller, or a yoga wheel!

Self-Care Rituals Help You Pause, Recharge, and Hit the Reset Button

If you already give yourself a priority, bravo! But if you are always “too busy” to create time for yourself, remember that every day is an opportunity to make a positive change in our lives.
So – are you ready to give yourself the self-care you deserve? It doesn’t have to costa fortune or take a lot of time. But when you take time for self-care, you enrich every area of your life.
What was your favorite self-care ritual included here? Do you have a go-to form of self-care that wasn’t on the list? Please share in the comments below and keep the conversation going!

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from YogiApproved™ https://ift.tt/2uxZi3g

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