Travel Diaries: Muay Thai Boxing Class

 Muay Thai boxing class in Koh Samui

Muay Thai boxing class in Koh Samui

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While in Koh Samui recently, I took a Muay Thai boxing class. Now, you all know how much I love working out. I feel like it's a meditation in motion for me and it just makes me feel alive, so I was really excited to try Muay Thai boxing. Not only did I think it was going to be yet another fun way to put the lessons of yoga into practice (ie mind over matter), but I am a huge proponent on varying your workouts, so I was just psyched to try something different. 

I did the class at the Muay Thai boxing ring at Ritz Carlton Koh Samui. They brought in a local boxing gym owner and member of the national boxing team and he suited me up in wraps and then gloves. Together we went over jabs, punches, and hooks, which I already knew from previous (limited) boxing experience. Then he taught me elbow (the trick is to make a sideways wide letter U movement with your elbow), the knee (the trick is to keep your shin in line with your knee and lean back which will give you more force), and a kick (the trick is to land the kick with half of the lower part of the shin and half of the top of the foot). Then, we did various drills like jab, punch, followed by jab, punch, hook, followed by jab, punch, hook, elbow, followed by jab, punch, hook, elbow, knee, etc. Then, we did fun couplets like one sit up followed by ten seated jab punches, and one squat followed by ten jab punches, and one push up followed by ten jab punches. It was quite a workout, and I was sweating buckets and really winded by the end. You can check out all the highlights on my Koh Samui Highlight Story on Instagram. If you ever get a chance to try Muay Thai boxing, I highly recommend it!

 Muay Thai boxing class in Koh Samui

Muay Thai boxing class in Koh Samui


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