Workout Wednesday: Abs and Glutes Hiit Workout

 A travel workout you can do with minimal equipment

A travel workout you can do with minimal equipment

This Workout Wednesday post is featuring our Namaslay® Yoga Teacher Training Strength and Conditioning Coach Danny Tavino. This post contains affiliate links which means if you happen to purchase an item through one of our links, YBC® may earn a small commission. Thanks for the support!

One of the hardest parts of traveling is finding creative ways to stay on top of your fitness. It is easy to slip and fall back on the big three: diet, sleep and exercise. I always cut myself some slack when I travel, and most of the time its beneficial for your body to take a break from the grind. Vacation is meant to be stress free and relaxing, and you shouldn't expect to workout, eat or sleep as well as you do at home. You are going to be excited, the food is going to be excellent (hopefully), and you will likely be out late having fun and up early exploring the new location. The good news is that one week away from your routine will not cause any real setbacks. Your body is likely going to welcome the break and take the time to heal and recover any minor aches and pains. 

That being said, while away you can still find small pockets of time to exercise a bit and stay the course. If your hotel has a gym, go and spend 20-30 minutes in there and do some light work. Do not expect the same type of gym equipment or workout that you would have access to at home. And even if you are at an AirBnB or a rental house, there are still ways to work out. You may even be able to pop in to a nearby gym or CrossFit. If not, no worries, we have what you need. Working out on vacation requires a little planning ahead and you may need to pack minimal equipment. I usually carry resistance bands, ab wheels, a travel yoga mat, a jump rope, and use the timer app on my phone. These items take up very little space and can be used together for a variety of workouts. 

While in Santorini for our Yoga Retreat I found some time when there wasn't much going on and filmed this video. The workout was:

3 Rounds

1 minute Bulgarian Split Squats

15 seconds off

1 minute Banded Lateral Steps

15 seconds off

1 minute ab wheels 

15 seconds off

The built in 15 seconds rest is just enough to transition to the next movement while allowing yourself a few seconds to breathe and focus. You have the option to go as hard as you want during the 60 seconds of movement. I would recommend finding a healthy pace. Essentially you'd like to complete the same amount of reps each round. For example, if I completed 20 Bulgarian split squats in the first round, then you should try to hit that number every time. The more consistent your numbers the better, a lot of people will go hard in the first round, then they can barely get any reps in the last round; be consistent. This workout has all the qualities for travel; it was quick, minimal space required, minimal equipment needed. Another nice thing about this workout is that you can customize it a million different ways. You can make the rounds longer, shorter (same with the rest). You can add more movements or change the order of the movements. Find what works for you. 

Whether on vacation or just stuck at home, give this one a go. Enjoy it, and be thankful that you have the time and energy to get a workout in. If you have any question you can also reach out to me @dtslifeinpictures.


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