Workout Wednesday: Squats and Box Jumps


This post has been put together by YBC’s® Strength and Conditioning Coach Dan Tavino.

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which means YBC® will earn a small commission if you happen to make a purchase. This video is brought to you by ProSourceFit. They’re supplied the plyometric box, barbell, plates, clips, and matting. You can use coupon code YBC20 for 20% off your order if you'd like to amp up your home gym.

This workout is categorized as a couplet. A couplet is a workout with two movements. Typically you’d like to pair a weight lifting movement with a gymnastics style movement, which is what you will find here with performing front squats and box jumps.

For the front squats; there are a few modifications that can be made for all ranges of difficulty. The first modification is to perform an air squat. From there, you can build up to increase resistance by holding dumbbells or kettlebells in your hands, and then eventually work up to a loaded barbell. For the box jumps, you can start with step ups onto a low box, then move towards jumping and rebounding on a higher box. No matter how you perform the movements, this workout is effective for any fitness level. A few tips: try to limit the amount of rest between reps and sets and work at around 80% of your capacity. You should be breathing a bit heavy towards the end with some fatigue setting in.

This is a great workout, keep track of your time and try it again in a few months to track your progress. Both of these movements are simple, yet very effective for burning fat, building muscle, and improving overall health. Give it a try and let me know how it goes for you down in the comments section below or message me with any questions or comments!


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