Weekly Workouts

You know how I know I’m getting older? Because every morning I wake up, I have literally no idea what day it is. It takes me a solid minute to retrace my life and figure out what the hell I need to be doing that morning. All the traveling I’ve been doing lately keep me rather confused with my days and I was pretty lost when I found out that it was Monday morning. But off we go! It’s time to pull on my old lady pants and get to the gym!

Most of last week was spent traveling which meant getting in a workout whenever I could. I usually try to fit in a CrossFit class whenever I’m in a different city, but that would mean I would need about an hour and a half or more to drive there, fill out the waiver, take the class, then drive back. And I just don’t always have time for that. But since my hotel had 2 gyms to choose from (one on site and one a short drive or walk away), I was able to fit a workout in pretty easily. Even on the day I only had 20 minutes to workout.

I think it’s pretty easy to come up with excuses to NOT workout while traveling, whether you’re on vacation or traveling for work. But it’s very rare that a person doesn’t have 30 minutes to workout at some point during the day. Whether it’s early in the morning, during lunch or later in the evening, there is almost always a small time slot to get in some movement and some sort of workout.

In the past, I use to stress about the workout being a certain amount of time and a certain amount of reps, but nowadays I just try to get an all over body workout that challenges my legs, arms and core, and then I move on with my day. If you look at Thursdays workout, I had literally 20 minutes to get a workout in between appointments. So I quickly warmed up with some squats and push ups, then I set a clock for 12 minutes to cut myself off, then I finished with some ab work with my remaining time. It wasn’t an insanely hard workout, but I left sweating and feeling better than I did 20 minutes before. And that was the whole purpose of moving.

Take care of yourself, no matter where you are. Don’t just forget about it when you travel. It deserves the best, always.

Sunday – Rest Day

Monday – CrossFit Broadway Class

EMOM x 12, Alternating

  • 10 unbroken Strict Press, first set at 30% of 1RM+ 5-10#, add as you go – I worked up to 65#
  • 8 Strict C2B Pull Ups – I did 8 strict pull ups every time

Then 9 min AMRAP OF:

  • 9 Thrusters (115/75) – I did DB thrusters with 2×25# DBs
  • 15 T2B
  • 35 DU

I got 3 rounds + 13 reps

Tuesday – CrossFit Broadway Class

EMOM X 12: 1 Hang Snatch – First set at 60%, add as you wish – I did hang squat cleans and worked up to 120#

Then 2 Rounds For Time: (14 min cap)

  • 30 Cal Row
  • 30 Burpees
  • 30 Wall Ball

I finished in 9:23 rx

Wednesday – Rest Day

Thursday – Workout in hotel gym in Myrtle Beach – see workout here

12 minute ladder of (3,6,9,12,15…) –

  • Goblet squats
  • Kettlebell swings
  • Burpee tuck jumps

*do 3 reps of each movement, then 6, then 9, and so on. I got through 18 reps of every movement in the 12 minutes!

Then afterwards I did 3 sets of 20 rainbows over the kettlebell

Friday – Kayaking in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina

Saturday – Workout in hotel gym in Myrtle Beach

4 rounds of –

  • 40 russian kettlebell swings
  • 30 weighted DB lunges
  • 20 goblet squats
  • 10 burpees

12 minute AMRAP of –

  • 10 DB deadlift
  • 10 stiff leg DB deadlift
  • 10 DB rows
  • 10 upright DB rows

*increase by 2 reps each round until the 12 minutes is up

Then every minute for 10 minutes – 10 lying leg lifts then finish out the minute in a plank hold


Free Travel Workout:

Thursdays Workout –

12 minute ladder of (3,6,9,12,15…) –

Goblet squats

Kettlebell swings

Burpee tuck jumps

On Sale Activewear:

Crop Top Tank (33% off)

adidas Tights (33% off)

adidas Swift Run Shoes (40% off)

Splits59 Tank (33% off)

Kate Spade Crop Leggings (33% off)


I may be compensated through affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running! Thank you for your support with PaleOMG!

from PaleOMG – Paleo Recipes https://ift.tt/2t6Rgxj

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