How to Personalize Your Own Chakra Mantras: A Journaling Exercise

Chakra journaling

You’ve probably heard about the chakras, but have you heard about chakra mantras?
Chakra mantras are verbal vibrations that, whether spoken out loud or in the mind, are taken in by the energetic centers of the body.
The seven major chakras are spinning wheels of energy along your spine. Balancing them can bring a whole new level of empowerment to your life.
That sounds awesome, but how do we go about balancing the chakras? Yoga poses and meditation can be great tools.
But beyond yoga and meditation, we can incorporate the use of mantras – or in this case, chakra mantras – to activate, balance, and heal these energy centers.
If you’d like to use asana to balance the chakras, Practice These Poses to Align Each Chakra

How Chakra Mantras Work

Each person is different. It takes some self-knowledge and introspection to really harness the power of this energy system.
The real power of the chakras lies in our ability to personalize what they mean for us, to look deeply at our life experiences, and design our own chakra mantras accordingly.
To be assimilated into the body, the words of the mantras must be repeated with emotion and they must be believed. It may take some time to incorporate belief, but this is why repetition (and also visualization) is so important for mantras.
These mantras are designed to speak specifically to each chakra in order to change the beliefs we hold about ourselves in the particular area of our lives that the chakras govern. This helps to turn things around in any situations where we might feel stuck or overstimulated, to slow or speed the spinning vortex of energy – the chakra.
It helps to activate and bring attention to that chakra while saying the associated chakra mantra. A good mantra provokes a strong, warm, and positive emotion that we aim to feel in that particular energy center. Remember this when thinking about your life and your personal chakra mantras.

Let’s Personalize Our Own Chakra Mantras!

Grab a pen and your journal or a piece of paper. To start, read these questions and then write down your answers to the following chakra prompts:

1. Root or Muladhara Chakra

What are some issues I have around security, money, and safety? Do I feel stable and grounded in my life? What is my connection to the earth? Do I worry about money a lot? Am I often fearful and anxious in any way? When do I feel jittery and nervous?
Write down your experiences in regards to this chakra. What is a mantra that could help you feel more secure?
Here are a few examples to get you started:

  • I am receiving the money that I need.
  • I live in a safe place.
  • I am letting go of fear.
  • I am thriving.
  • I am grounded.
  • I am connected to the earth.
  • I am supported and safe.


2. Sacral or Svadhisthana Chakra

What are some issues I have with emotions, sexuality, creativity, and primal relationships? Do I feel emotionally stable? Am I clingy in any way with my partner? Or am I closed off from romantic relationships? Do I ever feel sensual? What’s going on in my sex life? Am I having any issues with creativity, fertility, or passion?
Write down your experiences in regards to this chakra. What is a mantra that would balance this chakra?
Here are a few examples to get you started:

  • I am emotionally stable.
  • I am attracting the right partner for me.
  • I am learning and growing in my relationship with my partner.
  • I enjoy and love healthy sex.
  • I am fertile.
  • I am a great mother.
  • I am abundantly creative.
  • I am passionate.
  • I am a sensual being.
  • I have a healthy and happy family.

Craving some more sacral healing? Use these 5 Yoga Practices For Balancing the Sacral Chakra

3. Solar Plexus or Manipura Chakra

Do I have issues with motivation or will? Do I lack confidence or energy to pursue my goals? Do I lack self-control? Do I doubt myself often? Am I angry too much? Am I too disciplined? Am I overbearing and too controlling? What does my self-esteem look like right now?
Write down your experiences in regards to this chakra. What is a mantra that would balance this energy center for you?
Here are a few examples to get you started:

  • I am powerful.
  • I can do anything.
  • I am in control of my destiny.
  • I let others control their own destinies.
  • I am receiving the motivation and confidence I need to _____.
  • I am calm and powerful in a peaceful way.
  • My anger is under control.
  • I channel my powerful energy into the right places.



4. Heart or Anahata Chakra

Do I ever feel peace? Do I have jealous fears? Do I feel compassion for those less fortunate? Do I feel like I give or serve others in my life? What are past heartbreaks I need to heal? Who do I need to forgive? Where do I need to feel more and where am I numb? Do I judge others? Do I take things too personally? Do I take on other people’s energies and pain?
Write down your experiences in regards to this chakra. What is a mantra that would balance this chakra for you?
Here are a few examples to get you started:

  • I am love.
  • I love to serve others.
  • I have healthy boundaries.
  • I am compassionate.
  • I am open to others.
  • I feel my emotions and let go.
  • I honor the hearts and minds of others.
  • I feel healthy compassion.
  • I never take things personally.


5. Throat or Vishuddha Chakra

What truths am I not telling? What are my communication issues? Where and when do I need to stop talking? Where are the lies in my life? Where am I saying too much? What is it inside me that needs to be expressed? To whom do I need to say it? What are the truths I keep from myself?
Write down your experience in regards to this chakra. What is a mantra that could help to balance this chakra?
Here are a few examples to get you started:

  • I am truth.
  • I am in control of my words.
  • I express openly and healthily.
  • I am not afraid to be authentically me.
  • I speak what is necessary, true, and kind.

Speak your truth! Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Your Fifth Chakra

6. Third Eye or Ajna Chakra

Do I have trouble sleeping? Do I ever use my imagination? Am I in touch with my senses of intuition and instinct? Do I get ideas? How are my visualization skills? Am I able to focus and concentrate? Am I able to see clearly what I want to create? Do I have a unified vision for my life?
Write down your experiences and circumstances in regards to this chakra. What is a mantra that could balance this energy center?
Here are a few examples to get you started:

  • I have a strong imagination.
  • I can see clearly the answers to my problems.
  • I am intuitive.
  • I sleep well.
  • I receive clear ideas all the time.
  • I am inventive.


7. Crown or Sahasrara Chakra

Am I connected to the Source, God, or the Universe? Am I conscious of my emotions or thoughts? Do I ever feel bliss and connection to all of life? Do I ever live in the present moment? Am I open to being spiritually guided?
Write down any experience with this chakra. What is a mantra that could help you to balance this energy center?
Here are a few examples to get you started:

  • I am connected to the Universe at all times.
  • I am awake.
  • I am present.
  • I am enlightened.


Put Your Ever-Evolving Chakra Mantras to Work!

Remember that you’re human. No one is allowed to be perfect (talk about boring!). Be kind to yourself because we are all dealing with chakra issues in one way or another.
At the same time, being completely honest with yourself when asking these questions will help you to come up with the best, most supportive mantras for you.
And once you learn your own chakra mantras, you can use these to meditate while placing your hands over and focusing on each specific chakra – one at a time. You can also use them during chakra-related yoga poses.
Don’t be afraid to come back and do this exercise again because things change quickly when we do the work. Your mantras are guaranteed to change, so don’t forget to reinvestigate.
Happy chakra journey!

The post How to Personalize Your Own Chakra Mantras: A Journaling Exercise appeared first on YogiApproved™.

from YogiApproved™

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