Kid- Friendly Herb Baked Salmon with Lemon

Kids can eat cuisine, like fish, even from a young age! Start them off with this baked salmon and watch them fall in love with fish!

kid friendly herbed baked salmon for kids

Many people think of fish as an adult food, or just for grown ups. But the truth is, kids can (and should) be eating the same food as their parents.  The only exception to this is shelfish. Other fish like tuna, halibut, salmon and sardines not only have amazing health benefits for young kids, but can also help them enjoy the flavor and texture of fish.

Health Benefits of Baked Salmon:

Fish, like salmon, is one of the best sources of omega 3 fatty acids like EPA and DHA. These essential fatty acids are already deficient in the standard American diet, so salmon is a great choice for kids.  Other benefits of including salmon in your diet, beyond the essential fatty acids they provide are

  • Tryptophan(an excellent source)
  • Selenium (53 mcg per 4 ounces. Excellent source)
  • Protein (29 grams per 4 ounces!)
  • Vitamin B 12 (3.3 mcg per 4 ounces)
  • Niacin (11 mcg per 4 ounces)
  • Magnesium

Types of Salmon

There are a few types of salmon you’ve likely heard of when shopping. Wild caught sand farm raised are two designations of salmon that fish are sold with.  Here’s a break down of what you need to know:

  • Wild caught salmon- This is the ideal choice, as the fish has been living in the “wild”. This fish tastes better and has a higher Omega 3 to Omega 6 ration, meaning, there is more of the good fat present in the fish.
  • Farm raised salmon- many concerns have been raised about farm raised salmon.  They are raised in pens, and are fed pellets that skew their fatty acid profile to be higher in Omega 6 than omega 3.   They are also fed artificial color so their flesh is more pink, and they look more like wild caught. The farm raised also  could be treated with antibiotics, because they live in such close proximity to each other.  The fish itself is lower in protein (20% lower) because they don’t exercise the same as wild salmon.
  • Canned salmon- this can be a good choice if the label says the salmon is wild caught (for reasons noted above). But this isn’t always the case.  Read the label to be sure.

So, get yourself some salmon today.  Buy wild caught if your kids are new to fish, because it definitely will taste better and you’ll have the most opportunity for them to like the taste.  For a few different fish recipes your kids will like, check out these below:

The post Kid- Friendly Herb Baked Salmon with Lemon appeared first on Super Healthy Kids.

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