Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (+cooking video!)

Before I lead you into the magical world of the Bachelorette and before I head out the door to film new workout videos for you guys, let’s chat ice cream. Mint chocolate chip ice cream to be exact. The thing about mint chocolate chip ice cream that you buy in the store, well, it’s usually made with yellow 5 and blue 1. You know what that makes? Green! Do you know what yellow 5 and blue 1 are? I sure as hell don’t. So you know what I made? I made ice cream with a natural ingredient that turns it green. Can you guess what it is? Check out the video to see what I made the ice cream with. And trust me, ok!?!


Now for the best day of the week – Bachelorette day!! We are down to three dudes at this point which means OVERNIGHT DATES!! Oh hells yeah. The episode starts off with Blake meeting up with Becca in Thailand. And what does she do? Jump in his arms and wrap her legs around him. Her signature move. If I had legs like hers, I’d probably pull that move all the time. Even to my grandparents. Is that weird? Anywho, they go on a hike where they can’t touch or kiss each other. Then they pray with monks. All of this date gives me anxiety. Except for the Blake part. I love that guy. Blake spends most of the date talking about how he’s worried that she’s also in love with the other dudes. Which is completely fair because SHE IS!! I still think she’s going to choose Garrett and I hate her for it. Later on in the evening, they’re given a card with a little plastic key from a vending machine that says it’s their room key. Get out of here, ABC. I saw Becca holding a key card. You ain’t foolin’ nobody. The next morning looks exactly how it always does on the Bachelor – they show clothes on the floor (gross, who puts clothes on the floor in hotel rooms…guilty) and two peeps half naked in bed smiling ear to ear. Becca has full makeup on. Way to make it realistic, BECCA. Just kidding, I kept makeup on for a good solid 2 years of my relationship with my now husband. Acne is a b*tch. Becca has no excuse with her lovely skin and fit legs. Jeez, I’m a jealous b*tch today. The date ends with Blake looking like he’s going to have a panic attack and I just want to cradle him like a little baby.

PaleOMG Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (+cooking video!)

Next up, Jason. Poor baby Jason. That guy never had a chance. Everyone knew it, except him. I hope he gets to go on Bachelor in Paradise. Or maybe even become the next Bachelor. He loves hair gel so freaking much which makes me believe he has a big heart. Makes total sense. The date starts off highly awkward while they dance in the middle of a circle where professional dancers are doing their thing. Everyone is looking at them like they’re high. And then there’s a little foreshadowing – Becca says that there’s no one she’d rather eat crickets with in Thailand. Well turns out she hates crickets because she definitely doesn’t want to spend much time with Jason. He mentions something about his high rise condo and she immediately freezes up. She’s more of a ranch home in the country kind of gal. Jason has to spend most of the date by himself because she’s having panic attacks with her producer. Then she finally tells him she can’t go through with an overnight date because she’s just not as far along with him as she is with the other dudes. Then they show the saddest part of all of it – the uneaten tray of desserts. Such a shame. Jason shows no emotion at all…until a few days later when he shows back up at her hotel room to give her a scrapbook. He cried, I cried, Jackson cried. Then he walked away with him slim fitting pants and cuff sleeved polo. I like that guy.

But come on Jason, who scrapbooks?

PaleOMG Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (+cooking video!)

Then they saved the worst for last – Garrett. If you’ve read my other recaps, you know I’m not a big fan of Garrett. He’s a big man child bobblehead who says ‘like’ all.the.damn.time. I can’t stand it. And I’m personally really good at saying like, but he just abuses the word. They go bamboo rafting down some river where I noticed that Garrett has a foot tattoo. I’ve never seen a man with a foot tattoo. Not even my friends who are covered in them. He also says alls. Alls is not a word. All is. They stay in a tree house for their overnight date. They glamp. Come on, ABC. Stop being cheap. It’s Thailand, it’s cheap already there. Give her a damn real toilet. But Becca doesn’t give AF. She digs this dude and thinks his grammatical errors are adorable. I can’t with him.

The episode ends with a pointless rose ceremony where she has 2 dudes and 2 roses. She stares longingly into each rose like she’s thinking hard about who she’s going to give it to. She gives the first rose to Garrett and Blake is the saddest panda in all the land. Then they all have to cheers and it’s awkward to the max. Poor Blake, he doesn’t deserve this. He deserves my SIL. She’s the best.
PaleOMG Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (+cooking video!)

PaleOMG Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream



  1. Place coconut milk, maple sugar, peppermint extract, vanilla extract and mint leaves in a saucepan over medium heat. Cook for 8-10 minutes to reduce and thicken slightly. Remove from heat and let cool slightly.
  2. Place in blender with spinach leaves and blend until smooth. Pour mixture through a mesh strainer in a large sealable bowl and into the fridge to cool completely.
  3. Pour cooled mixture into ice cream maker and follow directions for that specific ice cream maker. Once mixture has churned and thickened, add chocolate chips until combined.
  4. Eat as soft serve OR pour soft serve ice cream into a bread pan and place in the freezer to harden for 2-3 hours. Remove from freezer about 20 minutes before serving then scoop and serve!


PaleOMG Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (+cooking video!)

PaleOMG Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (+cooking video!)


More Ice Cream Please!

PaleOMG Sea Salt Caramel Brownie Ice Cream

Sea Salt Caramel Brownie Ice Cream

PaleOMG Lemon Curd Custard Ice Cream

Lemon Curd Custard Ice Cream


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