The Truth About Mercury Retrograde: You Don’t Have to Fear It – Just Know How to Steer It


Mercury Retrograde. It’s a term that people have begun to loathe, fear, and use as the reason every time technology trips up or miscommunications occur . . .
A few times a year, Mercury, the planet of verbal communication, mental clarity, legal contract, travel, technology, and day-to-day exchanges appears to be going backwards.
The hype around Mercury Retrograde is not entirely fabricated, but it is entirely blown out of proportion.
Everywhere on social media you’ll see doomsday memes about this celestial event as if the world really were ending. While things do tend to go awry during Mercury Retrograde, there is absolutely no reason to panic.
Not sure what Mercury Retrograde is? Then read this first(
Mercury Retrograde is actually a beautiful time to put the “re-” prefix to use. REtreat, REflect, REvisit, REthink, REview, REwrite, REwork, and REmove yourself from the hustle. We can’t always be growing growing growing.

The hype around Mercury Retrograde is not entirely fabricated, but it is entirely blown out of proportion.

There is a lot of rest and reflection that needs to take place in order to support us in reaching our highest potential during this lifetime.
So rather than feeding into the hysteria and locking yourself in a padded room for the next few weeks, take a deep breath and settle into the truth of Mercury Retrograde.

The Truth About Mercury Retrograde

The universe is not out to get us.
There is no damning to hell or punishment in this scenario. We are given the tools we need to expand, and we are given the time we need to process all the changes taking place in our lives.
Sometimes, we are given hard lessons to shake us out of limiting beliefs and bad habits, but that is all still our own doing.

Mercury Retrograde is actually a beautiful time to put the “re-” prefix to use. REtreat, REflect, REvisit, REthink, REview, REwrite, REwork, and REmove yourself from the hustle.

Mercury Retrograde is the perfect time to allow these lessons to sink in and take root while we also watch our backs for travel delays, technological difficulties, and all around miscommunications.
We are encouraged to dive into the shadow and fearlessly look at ourselves from within.
These 10 Traits Determine if You’re Spiritual AF or Hiding From Your Shadow Self (

The Do’s and Don’ts of Mercury Retrograde

You are in control – always. If not always about what happens, then always about how you choose to handle it.
Anytime, and even during Mercury Retrograde, if it feels right, do it. If you’re rushing, pause and rethink. If you have hesitations or that strange gut feeling, take a step back and wait to pull the trigger on a decision.
You do want to try to avoid starting anything new, and really focus on working with what is already within you and around you.
Still, there is a list of things most astrologers advise to steer clear of during a Mercury Retrograde period. Personally, I have done just about ALL the things listed below during Mercury Retrograde and survived. (Gasp!)

Here are some things you may want to avoid doing, or conduct with caution during Mercury Retrograde:

You don’t have to stop your life during this time, just be more discerning about the following.

1. Any form of last minute travel:

Booking last minute travel, arriving late to the airport, train station, or bus station. This also applies to road trips. Go slow, double check you have your ID/passport, money, travel buddy (you’d be surprised!), and anything else vital. Make a list if it helps.

2. Sign a binding contract:

Even if you have thoroughly read through a contract, try to buy yourself some time to reflect on the opportunity and feel if it’s really right, or if it’s just right now. You’ll save both parties a big headache if you ask for a little more time.

3. Buy a car or technology:

When it comes to making a big purchase, whether it’s cars, computers, or other types of complicated technology, consider holding off. As Mercury rules communication and technology, you could potentially purchase a lemon or something you just don’t really need.

4. Go back to an ex:

Just don’t. If you’re feeling weak and lonely and they are sending all the right emojis and DMs, take a walk or a bath or call or friend or take yourself to the movies. Ain’t nobody got time to repeat bad decisions with the wrong person – especially during Mercury Retrograde!

5. Public communication:

Now is not the time for speaking your mind on a public platform (like social media) from a place of rage, anger, or setting someone “right”. There’s enough angst and hate in the world right now . . . don’t add to that. Take a breath and write it out if you need to, but then delete it and Google “cats and cucumbers.”

6. Miscommunications:

Don’t take a miscommunication to heart. Wires are being crossed, so like the advice above, take a breath and do something that will make you laugh and shift your energy. Nothing is personal, so let any miscommunications roll off your back. Shake it off and move on.

Here are some things that you can do during Mercury Retrograde to advance your personal growth:


1. REvisit your manifestations from the last new moon:

How much progress have you made? Where are you on the path to making these dreams a reality?

2. REflect on the lessons you’ve learned over the past month, six months, and year:

Chances are you’ve come a lot farther than you’re giving yourself credit for, and that needs to be acknowledged! We can be so hard on ourselves, but sometimes all we need is to take a step back.

3. REwork a creative project or other project you’re working on

Allow yourself to unravel it and look at it piece by piece. Is this what you want to be creating and contributing to the world? It’s all about perspective.

4. REaffirm your intentions:

Look at what you desire and why. This is a perfect time to make adjustments that have the potential to make your intentions even more potent and in alignment.

5. REconnect with your soul and the whispers of your heart:

We are always receiving message from our spirit guides, angels, ancestors, and intuition. All we have to do is tune in to our soul and tune out the noise of everything else around us.

6. REtreat from the world:

Give your nervous system a chance to REcalibrate during this time. We all need down time and if you are trying to avoid the impending doom many talk about, then curl up with a new Netflix series and let it rip without judgement.

Energy Amplifies With Thought – Including the Effects of Mercury Retrograde

We all know that energy flows where attention goes.
So if you’re expecting to encounter a series of disasters during Mercury Retrograde, well buckle up baby, cuz the universe is going to deliver that order.
The mind is powerful and while there will absolutely be things that happen beyond our control, what we can control is our REaction to them.
Don’t feed the hype, don’t expect the worst, don’t lock yourself away. Just flow with what is happening and take control of how you manage Mercury Retrograde. You’ve got this!
Have questions about Mercury Retrograde, or want to share your thoughts / experience on how you handle it with empowerment and grace? Please share in the comments below – we love hearing from you!

The post The Truth About Mercury Retrograde: You Don’t Have to Fear It – Just Know How to Steer It appeared first on YogiApproved™.

from YogiApproved™

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