Checking in on Your Vitamin D Levels with EverlyWell (+special discount)

One of the main concerns I heard people mention when I decided to switch to paleo was, “How will you get enough Vitamin D in if you’re not getting foods in your diet that are fortified with Vitamin D?” And at the time (which was about 7 years ago), I just mentioned that I probably got enough Vitamin D from being outside all the time. And I really was. I was working out outdoors, I was hanging out outdoors, and I was even working on my computer outdoors. Plus, I was tanning like a mother f*cker. I was living my best Vitamin D life. Problem is, I grew up and figured out that I wanted to slow the aging process, which meant less time outside. And therefore, less Vitamin D.

If you don’t know the importance of Vitamin D, you’re not alone. It’s talked about on almost every milk commercial saying it helps with building strong bones, but that’s about it. But Vitamin D is way more than that. Vitamin D assists with calcium absorption which is required for not only healthy bones, but also proper muscle function and cellular activities. Since Vitamin D is a natural anti-inflammatory, not having enough can allow inflammatory processes to get out of hand. And as I’ve mentioned a million times on this blog, inflammation is BAD. Inflammation can cause damage to to cells and in turn, be associated with risk of various diseases including cardiovascular disease, cancer, dementia, and a weakened immune system. Bad.

And the problem with Vitamin D is that even if you’re eating a foods rich in vitamins and minerals and a diet that is anti-inflammatory, you’re still probably missing out on enough Vitamin D since it does not naturally occur in many foods. The only natural foods that are not fortified with Vitamin D include egg yolks, saltwater fish, and liver. Luckily, I eat a pretty a good amount of saltwater fish, but since I stay away from eggs and have no interest in making meals with liver, I definitely need to supplement in other ways. And my recent EverlyWell Vitamin D and Inflammation test confirmed that.

PaleOMG - Checking in on Your Vitamin D Levels with EverlyWell (+special discount)

If you haven’t used an EverlyWell test kit yet, I’ve shared my experience in two separate posts. I first shared my experience and results from the Food Sensitivity Test Kit and then I tested my Metabolism, too. They have a ton of different tests you can do from the comfort of your own home, including heavy metals testing, a testosterone test, even STD tests along with many others. I even have a fertility test at home at the moment that I plan on taking soon once my cycle starts. I think that one will be super interesting!

Since EverlyWell was founded on the idea of making lab tests convenient and simple, they make the at-home sample collection process incredibly easy. When you open your EverlyWell test kit, all you have to do is follow the simple instructions – I first drank a good amount of water 30 minutes before taking the test, washed my hands with warm water, then let my hand hang by my side for 30 seconds. Then I used the simple lancet to prick my finger and collected 4 drops of blood onto the collection card, making sure it collected enough blood for a thorough test. After it dried, I put my name and date on the card and back into the box it came in then shipped it back out with the pre-paid return label they included in the box! It’s so damn easy.

And they make sure you know what’s going on throughout the test. Once you ship back your box, you’ll receive an email that your test kit is processing then you’ll receive another email once your test results are available. Then once you log into your EverlyWell account, you’ll have a breakdown of your results, including a PDF that you can print off and take to your doctor.

Now let’s chat about my own results! In the Vitamin D and Inflammation kit, they test 25(OH)D (also called 25-hydroxyvitamin D) because this form of Vitamin D is the best indicator of vitamin D status in the body. They also test hs-CRP which is a biomarker for inflammation. I expected my Vitamin D to be on the lower side and expected my inflammation to be in an acceptable range since I’m not exhibiting any inflammatory issues. As you can see below, a sufficient amount of Vitamin D ranges from 32.0-100.0 ng/mL and I fell at 35.0 ng/mL, getting a little close to that deficient range. For my hs-CRP inflammation test, I measured right in the middle of the acceptable levels at 1.3 mg/L.

PaleOMG - Checking in on Your Vitamin D Levels with EverlyWell (+special discount)

Once you receive your EverlyWell test results, it also includes helpful article links to help you understand any deficiencies and issues. In my tests results, I had links such as Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms and 6 Ways to Reduce Inflammation. Plus you can also contact support if you have any specific questions. With my own results, now I know it’s time I added a Vitamin D supplement into my diet!

If you’ve been wondering about your cholesterol levels or your thyroid or maybe even HPV, EverlyWell makes it so easy! It completely removes any of the hassle of having to go to the doctor, pay the co-pay fee, get a referral, go somewhere to take the test, wait to hear back from the doctor, and all the other inconvenient steps along the way. And right now EverlyWell is offering PaleOMG readers a special discount to try out their kits in the convenience of their own home! When you use code PALEOMG at checkout, you’ll get 15% off your test order! That means you can test your food sensitivity or Vitamin D or even DHA all at a discount! Click here to see all the tests and get your discount before it’s gone! Can’t wait to hear what you guys think of your own test results! Leave a comment below once you try it out so I can hear what you think!


This post is brought to you by EverlyWell, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running! Thank you for all your support!

from PaleOMG – Paleo Recipes

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