Finding the Perfect Fall Hat Before They Are All Out of Stock

Before you go freaking out on me, I get it…it’s not fall yet. It’s been about 95 degrees here in Colorado most days so I’m very aware. But since I still have my winter skin color, I’m majorly craving fall. I’m sick of putting fake tanner on weekly, so I’m definitely ready for jeans, boots and jackets. AND I’m ready for fall hats. Because not only am I sick of globbing on fake tanner and having to sleep in a separate blanket so I don’t stain our sheets, I’m also pretty over doing my hair. Cue the fall hats!

PaleOMG - Finding the Perfect Fall Hat Before They Are All Out of Stock

But the thing about fall hats is that every time I finally think about getting a fall hat…like when it’s fall…I can’t find a hat. All of them are sold out or too big. So instead of running into that issue this year, I’ve snagged a few fall hats early that I pretty much want to wear every single day. I love them. They are my new best friends. Especially because now I can just hide my greasy hair and put sunglasses on to just simply fake like I’m wearing eye makeup.

What I’m saying is I’m pretty much a fraud.

PaleOMG - Finding the Perfect Fall Hat Before They Are All Out of Stock

But I’m ok with it because hats really amplify a look and bring the outfit together. Since most fall and winter colors are darker, this camel wool structured hat is the perfect color to lighten and brighten up the look! So before any of these hats go out of stock, I’m here to show you some of my favorites and maybe even stock up on more so I have 7 hats then NEVER HAVE TO WASH MY HAIR.

I think I have a problem.

PaleOMG - Finding the Perfect Fall Hat Before They Are All Out of Stock

Shop My Favorite Wool Fall Hats

PaleOMG - Finding the Perfect Fall Hat Before They Are All Out of Stock

Shop This Look

PaleOMG - Finding the Perfect Fall Hat Before They Are All Out of Stock

Shop This Black Wool Hat Look

Shop This Grey Wool Hat Look


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from PaleOMG – Paleo Recipes

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