Friday Faves

Hey friends! Happy Friday! What’s going on this weekend? We’re meeting up with some friends for a playdate, swimming with the fam (if it’s not raining!) and doing the usual dance class and weekend activities. The girls are LOVING school (thank goodness!) but it’s going to be nice to take it easy in the mornings instead of rushing around. (And since I actually have to walk P inside, no more school drop-offs in my pajamas haha. The 3 of us have to be dressed and out the door!) I’d love to hear what you’re up to this weekend.

It’s time for the usual Friday Faves party. This is where I share some of my favorite finds from the week and always enjoy hearing about your faves, too. Please shout out something you’re loving in the comments section.


I HAVE to tell you guys about the Mermaid Festival we went to last weekend. We met up with some friends for dinner, and since P had graced us with a 4pm nap (meaning she’d be awake until at least 10), I figured we could make a night out of it and head to the mermaid festival. We called nana while we were leaving the restaurant and swooped her to join in the fun.

Mermaid festival

You guys. It was such a scene in the best way possible. The Mermaid Festival is still pretty new to Tucson – I think it’s their second year – so they’re still working out some of the kinks, but it was insanely fun. We circled around looking for a parking spot and then walked down to Congress for the festivities.


(Please note the sombrero. Oh, Tucson.)

We were surrounded by swarms of kiddos and adults dressed like pirates and mermaids and headed to the enormous pirate ship where they had pageants and contests. There were a ton of food trucks and booths (with wigs, mermaid jewelry, and tops) and a Mermaid parade. The parade was led by mermaids on stilts, dancing to Brazilian drums, and everyone who was dressed up joined the parade. 

Mermaid festival 2

The girls loved it even though they don’t look too thrilled in the pic below.

Mermaid festival 1

(One is mid thumb-suck and the other is people-watching. It was the best people-watching I’ve seen in Tucson in a loooong time.)

It was super fun and we’ll definitely be back next year, in full costumes, natch. 


Ssu leg day

Summer Shape Up is going strong! Our Facebook group is bumping with inspirational posts and you guys are crushing the workouts. It’s not too late to join in the fun! Details are in this post.

Be sure to check out this week’s full barre workout video! I hope you love it.


Already scoping out items for fall…especially since 90% of my cool-weather clothes are packed away in storage. (Oops.) I can’t help but feel a little bit of fall on the brain since it’s been cool and lovely here in Tucson for the past couple of weeks. (In the 80s and even the 70s! It’s practically freezing lol.) Here are some of the things I’ve found: new chambray shirt (on sale right now), wrap dress to wear with heels or booties, classic navy sweater, this black jumpsuit as a perfect transition piece (I’ll prob layer it with my camo button-up), the same pair of slip-ons I wore last year until they fell apart. 

Thank you SO MUCH to all of you who ordered from me during last week’s Beautycounter sale!! If you missed the sale, you can still get the romantic set for $30 off.

Headbands for fall.


This unicorn pancake and egg mold. Our beloved babysitter from Valdosta sent this to the girls and they’re obsessed. It’s really taken my pancake game to the next level. 🙂 Also, worth noting that I was surprised it works as well as it does! I haven’t had much luck with pancake molds in the past, but this one is awesome.

Unicorn mold

SKINNY DIPPED ALMONDS. I’m excited to be partnering with them soon because I’m in loooooooove with these almonds. Many chocolate-covered almonds feel like too much of a sugar bomb to me. There’s like 90% chocolate and 10% almond. These are so much more balanced, less sugary-sweet, and they have the best flavors. The peanut butter ones are like Reese’s in a bag (with a boost of healthy fats and protein). They have them at Target if you’ll be out shopping this weekend! 

Skinny dipped

Eat Fit Go. This recently opened in Tucson and they have tons of healthy macro-balanced food options. I’ve been grabbing some lunches and protein balls each week and it’s been a game changer. (It’s also perfect for the nights when the girls just want mac and cheese and broccoli; I can heat up one of these bad boys.)

Eat fit go

The only thing I didn’t like was all of the plastic. I called them to see if they’d consider allowing customers to preorder and pay for the what they’d like in advance while providing their own containers. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t work because their kitchen is in Phoenix. They assured me that they’re working on sourcing fully biodegradable containers and that the plastic they currently use is 100% recyclable, which made me feel a bit better. The meals are really good and awesome for a quick and healthy bite. 

High-protein vegan breakfast ideas.

This buddha bowl looks amaaaaazing.

This chicken recipe is happening next week.

Read, watch, listen:

Don’t forget to check out this week’s podcast episode! Tina and I chat about her journey with UC, her tips for awesome abs, where we think the blog world is headed, and answer reader questions.

A really interesting post (and comments section) about free-range parenting.

Good reasons to stop complaining.

Yay for science.

And just for kicks: a pic of P eating a bagel in the rain.

P in the rain w her bagel

Happy Friday!



The post Friday Faves appeared first on The Fitnessista.

from The Fitnessista

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