Namaslay® Yoga Teacher Training: How our YTT TN trainees are prepping


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Yesterday was the very first day of our first U.S.-based Namaslay® YTT in Tennessee! Last week, we introduced our new group of excited YTT to the YBC® community and today, we're checking in to see how they prepared for their training. If you're considering a training in the future, maybe even our 200hr. YTT in Santorini next year, be sure to follow the YTT on Instagram @NamaslayYTT to get insight into their experiences every step of the way! Find out below how they prepared for the training, and what they're excited and nervous about as they start their journey! And since I never ask people to do what I wouldn't do myself, below are my answers, too. xoCandace

Candace C. 

 Candace and Buckles

Candace and Buckles

1. What unexpected or quirky thing will you be packing for your YTT?

A women's barbell. I recently did a 3 hour class with an olympic weightlifting coach and it's been a game changer. For my own mental health (and physical health), I'm bringing a barbell along with some plates.

2. Do you have any tips for packing, travel in general or getting through a flight or long drive?

To get through a long drive, I *love* listening to podcasts. I just listened to Up and Vanished (I know, I know, late to the party), but it got me through the ten hour drive to Tennessee!

3.  What's your strategy for dealing with missing people/pets/home while you're away at the intensive teacher training?

Just know that everything is temporary. They are always with you in spirit, and you'll be home before you know it, so I remind myself to stay in the present moment, which is all we really have anyway.

Give a follow on IG: @yogabycandace

Leota T.

 Leota T. 

Leota T. 

1.  What changes to your daily routine or lifestyle have you made in preparation for this training? How's that change going for you? What's tough, what's easy?

I’ve been reading nonstop! After reading the required material, I have been on a search for more information and guidance on spiritual growth! I’m really into Gabrielle Bernstein’s work, and I have been listening to her audiobooks while I commute. It’s been a really positive change for me! I am still struggling with incorporating more weight training into my routine, but progress is progress!

2.  What unexpected or quirky thing will you be packing for your YTT?

I am bringing a fan! I can’t sleep without the noise. Also, it’s going to be hot in Tennessee and our venue doesn’t have air conditioning.

3.  What's been the best part of prepping for the YTT? What's been the worst? Why?

Honestly, I have really enjoyed exploring different forms of yoga. From Vinyasa to Yin, each practice gives your body different things that it needs! I have also really enjoyed reading about yoga and where it originated, the history, the views on spirituality.... This YTT has already taught me so much and the training hasn’t even begun.

Give a follow on IG: @yogitoombs

Katie A. 

 Katie A. 

Katie A. 

1. What unexpected or quirky thing will you be packing for your YTT?

I’m not sure if this qualifies as quirky or unexpected but I will have several sized hoop earrings to wear everyday. For whatever reason, my hoops make me feel so much more confident in myself. It doesn’t matter what else I’m wearing or how I feel emotionally - the hoops really help me to “fake it ‘til I make it!”

2.  What's been the best part of prepping for the YTT? What's been the worst? Why?

The best part of prepping for YTT has been the excuse to make time for myself to study/write/practice yoga without feeling like I am being selfish. The worst, hmm, probably thinking about the unknown of what I’m about to get myself into. I am a very future-oriented worrier and can sometimes get stuck in that mindset.

3.  What's your strategy for dealing with missing people/pets/home while you're away at the intensive teacher training?

Journaling, music, mindless television shows that make me feel safe (like The Office, Buffy, Gilmore Girls, stuff like that) and of course, my phone. I hope to be able to be in touch with my loved ones frequently but I am not afraid of a little space/distance either. (I’m kind of looking forward to it!)

Give a follow on IG: @ktarnld

Layla J. 

 Layla J. 

Layla J. 

1. What unexpected or quirky thing will you be packing for your YTT?

Twizzlers(super unhealthy I know) I live in England and can’t really get them here. It’s the one weird thing I love whenever I’m in the states I stock up...

2.  What's been the best part of prepping for the YTT? What's been the worst? Why?

I have added more yoga in to my life, have gotten stronger and can feel the positive changes of all the yoga. The worst has been trying to not be nervous when you can’t seem to remember much of the anatomy or Sanskrit names for the poses - I even forgot what the word for Sanskrit was whilst writing this.

3. Do you have any tips for packing, travel in general or getting through a flight or long drive?

For long haul flight I stock up on loads of water and drink it all during the flight, I also moisturize through out ,especially my hands and face , and stay looking dewy.

Give a follow on IG: @layla_fj

Jordynn F. 

 Jordynn F. 

Jordynn F. 

1. What changes to your daily routine or lifestyle have you made in preparation for this training? How's that change going for you? What's tough, what's easy?

My daily routine has changed drastically since I left my full-time day job in June. Now, I work mostly at nights and some on the weekends, so it left me with my days open to prep for training. It’s been tough not having a set schedule to wake up for, so I’ve found myself oversleeping. Other than that, I have greatly enjoyed being able to enjoy the summer weather more than normal. I spent a lot of days reading outside in my lawn chair and hammock with my animals playing in the yard.

2.  What's been the best part of prepping for the YTT? What's been the worst? Why?

The best part has been keeping a consistent yoga practice. This summer is the most I’ve practiced yoga and it has been exciting to see the improvements I’ve made in my physical and mental practice. My biggest struggle has been with the readings. When I read, it is generally fiction, so it has been hard to keep my attention on the readings. The sanskrit has been the most difficult part of the readings for me.

3. What's your strategy for dealing with missing people/pets/home while you're away at the intensive teacher training?

I am a bit nervous of getting homesick as I have never been away from home this long but I am so excited for the journey and am trying to focus on that. I am relying on lots of pictures and videos from my friends and family and of my pets.

Give a follow on IG: @jordynnfiner

Jenelle B. 

 Jenelle B. 

Jenelle B. 

1. What changes to your daily routine or lifestyle have you made in preparation for this training? How's that change going for you? What's tough, what's easy?

Well my change has been pretty easy. I took this final week before the training off from working 70 hours a week, and I'm vacationing in upstate NY with my best friend. Lots of sun, swimming, and paddle boarding. Just relaxing and centering before starting the intensive!

2.  What unexpected or quirky thing will you be packing for your YTT?

I'll be bringing a bridesmaid dress! When the training ends I'll be leaving from the training to go to my best friends wedding in Pennsylvania.

3. What's been the best part of prepping for the YTT? What's been the worst? Why?

I've been really loving the readings we were assigned to help prepare for the training. I love studying anatomy and health, so I especially loved Eat Dirt by Dr. Axe. The hardest (not so much the worst) has been working on my upper body strength. I've never had a lot of strength in my arms so I've been doing Candace's HIIT trainings and push up parties to build some strength in my arms.

Give a follow on IG: @sacredvitality

Jamie B. 

 Jamie B. 

Jamie B. 

1. What's been the best part of prepping for the YTT? What's been the worst? Why?

The best part has been the reading! It’s a fascinating and well rounded curriculum! The worst part has also been the reading because parts can get overwhelming and while I am a fast reader, I don’t always retain the information very well!

2. Do you have any tips for packing, travel in general or getting through a flight or long drive?

Try things on and plan your outfits before they go in the suitcase! I’m also a big fan of rolling things to get them to fit! Podcasts and good books are my road trip/travel go to but when all else fails, napping is pretty great too!

3. What's your strategy for dealing with missing people/pets/home while you're away at the intensive teacher training?

This is probably going to be the biggest hurdle for me since I adore my husband and our three kiddos. It’s comforting knowing that they are being loved and looked after by a community of family, friends and an amazing dad. Long term, I know it’s healthy for our kids to see their parents supporting one another’s goals and lifting each other up. Short term, it’s hard to keep that mom guilt at bay and I struggle to find the balance between sacrificing/compromising too much or too little when it comes to parenting. One thing I’ve already started on is writing them letters so that they get fun things in the mail while I’m gone :)

Give a follow on IG: @momonamat

Claire N. 

 Claire N. 

Claire N. 

1. What changes to your daily routine or lifestyle have you made in preparation for this training? How's that change going for you? What's tough, what's easy?

Balancing my work life and increasing my commitment to fitness and yoga (while also trying to get through all the readings) - right in the middle of summer - has been more difficult for me then I thought. I was doing great for a while with incorporating gym time and yoga practice 2-3 or 3-4 times a week, but fell of the wagon for a bit when I had a couple family vacations close together. Traveling and maintaining all of my new habits was nearly impossible. Once I was home, I felt pretty overwhelmed trying to catch up with work and get back into the swing of things. Though I don't feel as prepared as I would like, I'm just trying to take it one day at a time. I know once I'm there, I'll do my best, and that's all I can ask for from myself.

2. What's been the best part of prepping for the YTT? What's been the worst? Why?

Best part: I'm FINALLY getting after one of my biggest dreams! Worst part: The nerves and anticipation. It's really hard to not compare myself and how prepared I feel to others that I see out there, like the past and current Namaslay® trainees. Fear of failure is real right now. I have to remind myself daily that I am capable and I can do this.

3.  What's your strategy for dealing with missing people/pets/home while you're away at the intensive teacher training?

I'll be devoting at least 15 minutes each night or every other night to call back home - I definitely think I'll be feeling somewhat homesick. 3 weeks is a long time away!

Give a follow on IG: @claire_pauline

Jordan A. 

 Jordan A. 

Jordan A. 

1. What changes to your daily routine or lifestyle have you made in preparation for this training? How's that change going for you? What's tough, what's easy?

I have been trying to get up earlier each day to prepare for the 5 am wake ups by setting a timer on my lamp to turn on early in the morning! Also i have been doing hot yoga classes and workouts outside to prepare for the Tennessee warmth. So far it has been tough to stay motivated with it being so close i just want to start already!!

2. What unexpected or quirky thing will you be packing for your YTT?

I will be bringing my yoga wheel. lots of snacks, as well as my heating pad lol i can't go to sleep without it.

3. Do you have any tips for packing, travel in general or getting through a flight or long drive?

For long drives i usually make sure i have plenty of water and i have some podcasts lined up to listen to. Listening to a long interesting podcast makes the time fly by!

Give a follow on IG: @jordanarnold_

Claire G. 

 Claire G. 

Claire G. 

1.  What changes to your daily routine or lifestyle have you made in preparation for this training? How's that change going for you? What's tough, what's easy?

To prepare for this training I’ve been trying to do yoga and some sort of targeted workout in the mornings at least 3 times a week. The only difficult thing about that was simply the fact that I’m not exactly a morning person and I find that’s usually when I have the most time but other than that I’ve really enjoyed most of my workouts and challenging my body in new ways. Unfortunately I recently experienced a hiking injury that resulted in a pretty nasty infection in my leg leading up to the training (gross I know). That has probably been the toughest part of prepping for this training because I was unable to workout and really fatigued by the antibiotics which really took a toll on my strength and flexibility. Coming into this training I expected to be further along physically but I’m doing my best to accept the situation for what it is and believe in my body as capable. Doing yoga as preparation in general however is always easy because I love it so much and it always leaves me in a great mood.

2.  What unexpected or quirky thing will you be packing for your YTT?

Probably my degree men’s deodorant. Even though I tend to be pretty girly I think it works so much better than women’s. I’ll probably be smelling like a boy 24/7 in Tennessee (which I guess is better then a smelly girl haha).

3.  Do you have any tips for packing, travel in general or getting through a flight or long drive?

My mom always told me “make a list” and she definitely knew what she was talking about. I probably made 30 lists in prepping and packing for this adventure. As far as traveling goes make a bomb playlist, find a new fun game on your phone, or employ my secret obsession...a fidget spinner.

Give a follow on IG: @claire_gerhardt


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