roses and ritas

Hi friends! Happy Monday! Hope you enjoyed the weekend. Ours was a perfect mix of family time, adventures with friends, and enjoying these little nuggets.

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The best ever. <3

Friday morning, P and I dropped off Liv at school and headed to barre3. I’ve been so thankful for their Play Lounge; it’s awesome knowing I can take a class with one or both of the girls and they have excellent childcare. As I’ve been doing barre3 more often, I’ve become even more fond of their format. It’s so accessible for many different stages in life (prenatal, postpartum, certain injuries) and the instructors constantly provide modifications. I love looking around the room and seeing different variations of the same exercise, depending on participants’ fitness levels or personal considerations. It makes my personal trainer heart so happy. 

After class, P and I wandered around the mall for a little while and grabbed smoothies at Nekter.

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(I usually create my own smoothie with cashew milk, pea protein, almond butter, kale, chia seeds, and lots of ice.)

After smoothies, we went to madre’s house for a home haircut. I haven’t had one in months and my hair was officially a little crunchy. It was wavy and smooth until the ends, which split into a thousand pieces that ran in every possible direction. It was so refreshing to get a few inches chopped off!

We spent the rest of the afternoon chillin’, picked Livi bear up from school, and met up with the fam at Calle Tepa for dinner. 

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Any week that ends with tacos and margaritas is a good one, indeed.

After our Mexican feast, we went over to Uncle Eric’s to hang out and play with Coco until the girls’ bedtime.

Saturday, the Pilot surprised me with the most gorgeous red roses for our anniversary,


and we had a relaxing morning. Livi had ballet – P and I usually sit on the floor playing Magnatiles the entire time- and caught up on errands and chores. Later that afternoon, we met up with my dad, stepmom, a friend, and her daughter for pizza. (They both asked us to have dinner at the same place at the same time, so we all met up and ate together. It was perfect.)

Afterwards, we were trying to think of something fun to do and decided on Trail Dust Town aka the Wild West Disneyland (with about 90% less rides). We panned for gold, rode the little rides, and got ice cream before calling it a night. 

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Sunday morning, we were all woke up (way too early) in a little bit of a funk. I blame it on the planets, but the girls were bickering (they usually get along so well), and I woke up feeling like I never went to sleep. We ended up laying low around the house and I made pancakes, and burned the eggs. When I told madre we probably weren’t going to make it to church – I literally couldn’t summon the energy to get us dressed and out of the house on time – she gave me the best gift ever: she took the girls antique shopping with her while I crawled back into bed for a nap.

Living away from family for so long, I haven’t had the luxury of “on the fly” help with the kiddos. Let me tell ya, it’s incredible. I didn’t even have to ask my mom for backup; she just swooped in and saved the day. When I went over to her house afterwards, we were all feeling worlds better.

The family came over for family dinner and we enjoyed a BBQ feast. Trevor, Alexus, my stepdad, mom, Kyle, Meg, Everly, Uncle E, Nana, and Tata all came over. I didn’t get a ton of pics of the food, but I made BBQ chicken (20 minutes in the Instant Pot!) and the brownies below (Simple Mills brownies with peanut butter frosting), Kyle brought chorizo mac n’ cheese from commoner, madre brought baked potatoes, buns, cheesecake, shredded barbacoa, nana brought bread and ice cream,

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and uncle E made the most ridiculous cobbler. He shared his secret with me for the best cobbler topping. Are you ready for it?


Sugar cookie dough! Do it. You’ll love it.

My plate was filled with BBQ chicken on spinach, mac n’ cheese, cobbler, and a brownie. It was everything. 

This morning, we’re back to the usual routine around here! I’m catching a quick workout, interviewing Brittany for this week’s podcast episode, and we’re meeting up with friends at the park after school. I hope you have a happy Monday! Thanks so much for checking in on the blog today.

See ya soon.



Summer Shape Up friends! Keep up the amazing momentum. I’m loving all of the check-ins on Instagram and our Facebook group. If you’d like to join in the fun, the info is here. 

The post roses and ritas appeared first on The Fitnessista.

from The Fitnessista

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