Down Home Coconut Flour Biscuits (Bite Into These)

Paleo Grubs
Paleo Grubs -

This recipe for down home coconut flour biscuits will surely bring back your fondest memories of growing up and visiting your relatives. Whether you enjoy your biscuits served with homemade gravy or topped with butter, I’m positive this recipe will become one of your new favorites. These biscuits are perfect as either an afternoon snack or as a complementary side with your favorite paleo dinner.

A Classic Homestyle Baked Treat

The best part about this biscuit recipe is easily the fact that it’s made entirely with 100% paleo friendly ingredients. There’s no sugar, no white flour, and no other processed additives to be found here. It’s a good thing too when you consider that refined wheat flours are known to cause inflammation in many people. (1)

The process of refining the wheat also strips the grains of nearly all of their nutritional value. With that in mind, this recipe swaps out the white flour and uses coconut flour instead. This gives your biscuits a delicious hint of coconut flavor in every bite and also adds some protein, fiber, and healthy fat to the recipe.

coconut flour biscuit ingredients

You’ll also be adding coconut oil in with your coconut flour, which serves a few purposes. The first is that it will obviously add even more coconut flavor to the biscuits, which is definitely a plus. Aside from that, the coconut oil also adds a solid amount of saturated fat to your biscuits. Now, I know what some of you are thinking after reading that.

“Aren’t saturated fats bad for you?”

Not necessarily. The fats found in coconuts are different than those found in animals. Coconuts contain medium chain triglyceride fatty acids, which have actually been found to be rather beneficial when it comes to helping with weight loss and improving cognitive function. (2)

mixing the biscuit dough
placing paleo biscuits

One of the other great things about this recipe is that the biscuits are dairy free as well. Instead of adding milk to the mix, you’ll be using unsweetened almond milk instead. While everyone responds to dairy differently, it’s a highly inflammatory food source for many people. Almond milk is an excellent substitute to use, and it’s a great low calorie source of vitamins and minerals as well.

However, despite the fact that the biscuit recipe itself is totally free, I’m very much still guilty of enjoying these biscuits warm and fresh right out of the oven with melted butter as my topping of choice. If you prefer your biscuits to be completely dairy free, these biscuits are also perfect when they are smothered in creamy gravy. Finally, thanks to their delicious coconut flavor, the biscuits are also perfectly enjoyable when they are plain as well.

easy paleo biscuits

P.S. – If you love this recipe, and if you’re interested in a few more great paleo recipes that will remind you of Grandma’s cooking, then I’ve got a few recommendations for you:

Down Home Coconut Flour Biscuits (Bite Into These)
Jess (Paleo Grubs)

from Paleo Grubs

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