Life-changing Almond Butter Smoothie (Paleo-Friendly)

Paleo Grubs
Paleo Grubs -

There’s nothing quite like a good smoothie. They are the perfect blend of delicious flavor and healthy nutrient-dense ingredients all in one fantastic drink package. There’s so many different ways that you can make a good smoothie -- green smoothies, ombre smoothies, fruit smoothies -- the options are nearly endless. Here’s a recipe for one of my recent favorites that you should try out, a delicious paleo almond butter smoothie. It’s a perfect blend of sweet and nutty flavors that you won’t want to miss.

The Perfect Blend of Ingredients

The first two things that you’ll need for this smoothie are a small frozen banana and half of a cup of frozen strawberries. These two fruits add a wonderful amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber to the smoothie. The strawberries in particular are an extremely potent source of helpful antioxidant flavonoids that serve to help lower your risk of developing several different types of chronic ailments, such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. (1)

Bananas are also a terrific choice to include, as studies have shown that despite their relatively high carb and sugar content, daily consumption of bananas has actually been shown to slightly improve overall blood sugar and lipid profiles in type 2 diabetes patients. (2)

almond butter bananas strawberries

Almond Milk or Coconut Milk are Great for Paleo Smoothies

The next ingredient you’ll be adding to this smoothie is one tablespoon of raw honey. This will help to sweeten the flavor of your smoothie while also offering an incredible amount of nutritional value as well. Honey is definitely a nutrient-dense superfood, as it is packed full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties. (3) The recipe also calls for one cup of your choice of milk. I prefer to use this homemade almond milk recipe, as it goes perfectly with the almond butter included as well. The almond butter combined with almond milk both add even more vitamins and minerals to the smoothie. If you would prefer to use something else though, coconut milk is a perfectly viable choice as well.

smoothie blender

The only other thing that you will need to make this smoothie is four ice cubes. Add all of the ingredients together into a blender and blend them until the mixture is nice and smooth. This recipe is now definitely one of my favorite smoothies to make. The ingredients used are all great choices to use in mass gaining smoothies, but if you’d like, you can also add a scoop of protein powder into the mix as well.

paleo almond butter smoothie

P.S. – Since I love smoothies so much, I thought it would be a good idea to share a few of my other favorite smoothie recipes (and one almond butter protein shake recipe!) as well:

Life-changing Almond Butter Smoothie (Paleo-Friendly)
Jess (Paleo Grubs)

from Paleo Grubs

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