Love Is an Action Verb: 3 Experiences for Couples to Keep the Romantic Fire Blazing


Feeling a bit ho-hum about your relationship, or want to make sure you don’t? The answer may be easier and more interesting than you think. Simple, shared experiences for couples may be all that you need.

Studies have shown that facing challenges together and engaging in exciting activities bonds couples more firmly and increases attraction more than dinner and a movie.



Pleasant Versus Exciting Experiences for Couples

Once your partner becomes a habit, you run the risk of taking one another for granted. This isn’t rocket science. But, science has a term for it – “habituation.” Habituation is a romance killer, specifically because habituation and interest are at odds.

If you can associate your partner with times you felt accomplished, excited, or even challenged, it will help deepen your bond and influence how you identify them as a facet of your life. If all the mystery is gone, you can still feel surprise – and we’re often surprised when trying new or exciting activities.

Once your partner becomes a habit, you run the risk of taking one another for granted.

It’s all about the difference between pleasant and exciting experiences for couples. When 53 married couples were assigned to do pleasant, exciting, or not-special (the control group) activities for an hour and a half every week for 10 weeks, those who did exciting activities reported more satisfaction.

Now who couldn’t use more relationship satisfaction?


Here Are 3 Adventurous Experiences for Couples to Liven Up Your Love Life:

Make no mistake, frequency does matter. Date night has its place. But while dinner and a movie may keep the romantic fires lit, why settle for embers when you can have a blaze?

Try these three exciting experiences for couples to spice things up!

1. Get Touchy Feely

Nothing keeps the spark alive like touch. Physical touch is such a huge factor in intimacy, because physical touch creates intimacy! Think about a few activities that involve touch, like AcroYoga or dance lessons. Find a local AcroYoga class in your area, or check out a Latin or Kizomba dance class together.

Interested in Acro to increase your romance? Practice These 5 AcroYoga Poses For a Stronger Relationship

2. Empty the Bucket List

Creating memories together and doing something that either of you has always wanted to do builds bonds. Is there a particular country or continent on your list? Whether it’s a road trip, finally getting that tattoo you’ve always wanted, or jet setting to Rio de Janeiro, maximize the experience with your significant other.

3. The Other Side of Fear

On the other side of fear lies excitement. Although not for the faint of heart, skydiving, bungee jumping, or the more serene hang gliding promises thrill, excitement and lifelong memories.

For skydiving and hang gliding, you’ll have to go tandem with an instructor the first few times, so make sure you and your love are scheduled at the same time to go together or one right after the other. Seeing one another’s expression back on the ground is priceless!
Can’t quite stomach the thought of the sky-based activities above? A trip to your local amusement park and a ride on the rollercoasters is an accessible way to get your blood pumping together. Still nauseous at the thought? Try go-karts . . . they aren’t just for kids.

Relationship Satisfaction Requires Stimulation: Create Your Own Unique Experiences for Couples

Remember, the time you spend together only needs to be exciting to both of you . . . so, it will be individualized! The goal is good times – not terror. If you and your sweetie love riddles, go to an escape room (the more challenging the better!) and unravel that mystery together.
As long as there’s something to unravel together, you’ll be better off. Stimulation need not be constant, only regular. If something has to be predictable in your love life, make sure it’s excitement.
Still looking for the one? Check out these 10 Important Lessons On Love, Dating, and Conscious Relating

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from YogiApproved™

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