Real Talk: The Story Behind the Photo, Costa Rica

 Costa Rica - Yoga on a tree

Costa Rica - Yoga on a tree

Real Talk is a new series on YBC® that tells the true story of what was going on in past photos. While I love social media, but I feel like so often what you see is a highlight reel and sometimes that highlight reel can really bring people down. So in the interest of being transparent, I wanted to start up a little series about the stories behind the photos you see - some real talk, if you will.

Shoot location: Costa Rica

What it looks like: Me doing a yoga pose on a tree. As one does.

What's actually happening: I was doing a partnership with a hotel and I owed them a bunch of yoga photos on their property. Easy, right? Yes....except that I got horrific food poisoning on day one of my stay there, and wound up in the bathroom for the entirety of the trip. On the very last day of my stay, I ventured out to get the photos I owed them. I felt like I was going to puke the entire time! 


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