The Chakras Explained: Learn the Basics About All 7 Chakras Here


A full yoga practice combines physical, mental, and spiritual health. But to combine the physical, mental, and spiritual, there must be a connection.
Mind and body makes sense: take care of your body and you will notice that you feel more mentally alert and are able to focus better.
But the connection between the spiritual and the physical is a little less obvious. This is where the seven chakras come in.
According to multiple Eastern traditions, the chakras are places where the physical and the energetic bodies connect. Chakras are places of energy within the body that are located along the central channel that runs up the spine.
The first of the major seven chakras originates at the base of the spine and the last reaches up to the crown of the head. Each of the chakras has its own associations with a specific color, physical impacts on the body, and mantra.

Get to Know the 7 Chakras of the Body


1. The Root Chakra or Muladhara

As the first of the chakras, located at the base of the spine, the Root Chakra is associated with the color red and is often depicted with four petals surrounding a triangle within a square. It governs sexuality, stability, sensuality, and security.


The mantra associated with the Root Chakra is “I am” or “VAM.”
Looking for more chakra mantras? Balance Your 7 Chakras With These 7 High-Vibe Mantras


2. The Sacral Chakra or Svadhisthana

Located at the sacrum, the Sacral Chakra is associated with the color orange and is symbolized by a crescent moon within a lotus flower with six petals. It governs reproduction, creativity, joy, and enthusiasm.


The mantra associated with the Sacral Chakra is “I feel” or “LAM.”



3. The Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura

Located in the abdomen just above the navel, the Solar Plexus Chakra is often depicted using the color yellow and symbolized as a downward facing triangle surrounded by ten petals. It governs digestion, personal power, expansiveness, and all matters of spiritual growth.


The mantra associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra is “I do” or “RAM.”


4. The Heart Chakra or Anahata

Located in the chest, this green chakra is symbolized by a flower with twelve petals. Within the flower there are two intersecting triangles (which look similar to the Star of David in the center). It governs circulation, unconditional love (both for yourself and other people), passion, and devotion.


The mantra associated with the Heart Chakra is “I love” or “YAM.”


5. The Throat Chakra or Vishuddha

Depicted by sixteen petals that surround a circle containing a crescent, the Throat Chakra is pale blue in color and located at the thyroid gland in the throat. This chakra governs communication, independence, fluent thought, and a sense of security.


The mantra for the Throat Chakra is “I speak” or “HAM.”



6. The Third Eye Chakra or Ajna

The Third Eye Chakra is located at the center of the forehead and is symbolized by a lotus with two petals and is often associated with indigo, violet, or deep blue. It governs trusting the inner self, intuition, consciousness, and mental clarity.


The mantra associated with the Third Eye Chakra is “I see” or “OM.”


7. The Crown Chakra or Sahasrara

At or above the crown of the head, the Crown Chakra is depicted as a lotus flower with a thousand petals. It is often multicolored or white in representation. It governs wisdom.
Why the thousand petals? Learn the Meaning Behind Each Chakra Symbol In This Quick Guide


The mantra associated with the Crown Chakra is “I understand.”

Apply the 7 Chakras to Your Life

Deepening and growing your yoga practice or meditation practice can start with something as easy as focusing on a specific chakra or just a mantra with which you identify.
The chakras might seem trendy or New Age, but they remain a powerfully meaningful aspect of your own yoga practice, as well as a crucial part of your overall health, wellbeing, and sense of balance.
Take charge of your life and get familiar with your seven chakras!

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