Get Grounded: These 4 Yoga Poses Will Connect You With Your Earth Element


Are you connected to your earth element?

Are you feeling grounded and stable in most areas of your life? Do you go about your days with a comfortable routine and structure?

Is your homelife safe, stable, and abundant? Do you feel rooted and secure in your beliefs and morals?

If so, you’re benefiting from the strong and stable nature of the earth element!

Enter the Earth Element

The earth element is associated with the First Chakra, the Root Chakra, which is housed at the base of the spine and the pelvic floor.

Earth is the element of stability, loyalty, safety, and practicality. Like the deep roots of an old oak tree, the earth element allows us to feel safe and secure in our lives and our health.

In addition to these yoga postures, connecting with the earth element can be done through grounding practices (like walking barefoot outside) or simply spending more time outdoors. Eating grounding foods such as root vegetables like sweet potatoes, carrots, or beets is another way to incorporate the earth element into your lifestyle.

Interested in more grounding practices? Check out: Earthing: How This Practice Connects Your Mind and Body

Earth is the element of stability, loyalty, safety, and practicality.

In terms of the physical body, as noted, the earth element is associated with Muladhara Chakra, which lives at the base of the spine. This chakra is related to our pelvis, legs, and feet. It is also correlated with earthly possessions and signs of safety and home – our bodies, our health, our survival, and our monetary existence.

This chakra protects our day-to-day needs, and a balanced Root Chakra and earth element can promote good health and a feeling of stability and balance in life.

Practice These 4 Yoga Poses to Connect With the Earth Element and Establish Your Foundation:

Explore stability and steadiness through your yoga practice and incorporate more of the following earth element poses in your flows!

1. Child’s Pose (Balasana)

A perfect opening posture, Child’s Pose is a great way to become close to the earth, tune out distractions and thoughts, and begin to feel connected to your body to prepare for a physical practice.


How to practice:

  • Bring your big toes to touch and spread your knees as wide as is comfortable
  • Melt your chest toward the mat and sink your hips toward your heels
  • Extend your arms out in front of you or along by your sides
  • Release your head, allowing your forehead to rest on the mat

Other ways to incorporate Child’s Pose: Child’s Pose is a great asana to return to whenever you need grounding. Often after inversions, arm balances, or activating backbends our bodies could use a moment of rest. Remaining close to the earth, Child’s Pose offers an opportunity to reconnect with your breath.


2. Warrior 2 (Virabhadrasana II)

Warrior II is powerful and strong. It’s hard not to feel like a warrior or goddess in this pose. With both feet firmly planted, and weight driving down toward the mat, the earth element is heavily activated here. The Root Chakra is stable at the base of a strong and tall spine, and this pose offers plenty of balance and stability.


How to practice:

  • Start standing with your feet wide apart facing the long edge of your mat
  • Point your front foot to face toward the top of your mat
  • Bring your back foot roughly parallel to the short edge of your mat
  • Bend deeply into your front knee
  • Extend both of your arms out to a “T” shape
  • Engage your core and lengthen your tailbone toward the floor
  • Draw your shoulder blades down and away from your ears
  • Create length through your spine
  • Gaze over your front middle finger
  • Breathe for four to five rounds of breath, keeping the integrity of the bend in your front knee

Alignment tip: Be sure your knee is either stacked over your ankle or slightly behind it. If you find it is going over your ankle, widen your stance to continue to keep the deep bend in your front knee. Press firmly into both feet to maintain stability.

3. Tree Pose (Vrksasana)

This balancing posture feels strong yet soft. It’s steady and simple, which allows you to have fun and become creative. You may grow your “branches” with interesting arm variations, or simply remain still and soak in the earth’s energy as it supports your body.


How to practice:

  • Start standing at the top of your mat
  • Shift your weight into your right leg
  • Lift your left foot off the floor
  • Bend your left leg and place the sole of your foot against the inside of your right ankle, calf, or inner thigh. Avoid placing your foot on your knee
  • Lengthen your spine
  • Press your bent leg into your standing leg for stability
  • Bring your hands to heart center, or play with arm variations including arms overhead, or behind your back in a bind
  • Gaze out and forward, find a drishti (one point of focus for stability)
  • Hold for three to four rounds of breath before switching to the other side

For an extra challenge: Once rooted, play with your balance by closing one eye, then the other. Eventually work toward closing both eyes – the ultimate balance challenge!

4. Low Yogi Squat (Malasana)

Malasana is a great hip opener that keeps your body close to the earth. This low squat has many variations, depending on how open your hips are. Closing your eyes in this posture and becoming connected to the energy you’re sending through your heels is the perfect way to acknowledge the earth beneath you.


How to practice:

  • Bring your feet out to the width of your mat and fan your toes outward
  • Squat low, sinking your seat between your knees. You have the option to place a block beneath your seat
  • For a greater stretch, bring your hands to heart center and gently press your elbows against the inside of your thighs
  • Breathe for five to six rounds of breath, paying attention to your hip area

For a little more: Take a bind. Place one palm on the mat and reach your opposite arm toward the sky. Wrap the extended arm around your lower back, twisting to gaze over your shoulder. Repeat on the opposite side.


Take This Earth Element Activation Off the Mat to Feel Grounded!

Feeling connected and rooted to your earth element gives you the confidence to go about your life with steadiness and ease.

With a foundation built, chaos and unexpected events feel more manageable, and our bodies and our breath can guide us through a safe and comfortable life.

Enjoy these poses and a grounded earth practice whenever you notice anxiety or stress start to build or whenever you need to reconnect with yourself.

Craving more element power in your life? Practice The Earth Elements Yoga Program with Jenn Pansa on YA Classes

Watch This Sample Class

EE Water Sample from on Vimeo.

Learn more about the Earth Elements Yoga Program here.

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from YogiApproved™

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