Melt in Your Mouth Mexican Wedding Cookies

Paleo Grubs
Paleo Grubs -

Mexican wedding cookies (also known as Mexican wedding cakes despite being a cookie) are a delicious baked treat commonly served at weddings and other sorts of celebrations in Mexico. They’re a yummy cookie that is usually held together by flour, butter, sugar, and nuts. This recipe slots in almond flour, ghee, and maple syrup to make a paleo-friendly version that effortlessly rivals the original version.

Paleo-Friendly Ingredient Replacements 

As Mexican wedding cookies are traditionally made by combining flour, sugar, and butter together, this recipe had to get just a little bit creative with the ingredient changes in order to make it completely paleo-friendly. It all starts by replacing the sugar with raw organic maple syrup. Table sugar is known to be a common source of inflammation within the body. The artificial sweeteners available on store shelves aren’t much healthier either, as they have been linked with a host of unpleasant side effects such as headaches, dizziness, and increased weight gain despite being marketed as low calorie sugar alternatives. (1) Maple syrup is a completely natural sweetening option that’s also nutrient-dense, offering plenty of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

The maple syrup is first creamed together with the ghee and vanilla extract. Next, you can gradually blend in the almond flour, which serves as an excellent paleo replacement for wheat flour. Refined wheat flours are another extremely common cause of inflammation. Using almond flour in its place helps to directly lower your risk of disease, as inflammation is the most common link found in deaths caused by the most chronic diseases. (2) It also adds a delightfully sweet and nutty taste to the cookies.

cookie dough
coating cookies with cinnamon and sugar

Traditional Mexican Wedding Cookies Made Healthier

Traditional Mexican wedding cookies also include ground nuts, and this is one area that does indeed remain completely paleo-friendly. You can choose to include either finely chopped pecans or walnuts; it’s totally up to you what you’d prefer. Either option will end up giving you a nice amount of healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. By including more of these healthy fats in your diet, you can help to lower your risk of cardiovascular disease, as they help reduce your blood pressure and overall cholesterol levels. (3)

paleo mexican wedding cookies

To finish off Mexican wedding cookies, they are usually rolled in confectioner’s sugar. Obviously, that won’t do when following a paleo diet, so this recipe uses coconut flour and coconut sugar instead. After baking the cookies, just let them cool and then roll them in a mixture containing those two ingredients and you’ll be all set to enjoy your own paleo style Mexican wedding cookies.

P.S. – If you’re ever interested in having your own paleo version of a Mexican food dinner night, then you’ll want to check out these great recipes to go along with the wedding cookies:

#1 – Spicy Mexican Cauliflower Rice

#2 – Easy Homemade Paleo Beef Enchiladas

#3 – Chicken Fajita Lettuce Wraps

Melt in Your Mouth Mexican Wedding Cookies
Jess (Paleo Grubs)

from Paleo Grubs

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