YBC® 12 Week Transformation 2.0 - Part 2


A few weeks ago, I posted about another exciting YBC® 12 week transformation journey with our Editorial Director LG’s husband Ned. As a refresher, Ned is a member of our US Military Special Operations and due to some recent life events (new city, new baby and new position), he’s let his health and fitness take a backseat, but recently decided it was time to get back to making his health and fitness a priority again.

At the start of his transformation, Ned was getting back into working out, eating right and cutting back on his beer intake. He went from skipping breakfast, eating office lunches, and having a few beers each night, to taking in a more healthy-fats based diet and working out most days. So today I'm back with Part 2 where we’ll check in with Ned to see how he’s feeling and if his initial plans and focus have shifted or if he’s still on track. If you have any questions for Ned or comments on his routine, let us know below!

Find out more about where he’s at today and where he sees himself going over the coming weeks: 

1. Overall, how are you feeling?

I feel really good! I’m finally getting good workouts in, and my clothes are fitting better. I’ve never been a ‘diet first’ guy - I’ve always been a ‘workout first’ and adjust nutrition accordingly and it seems to be working. I have more energy for sure.

2. Describe how your health and fitness choices have changed since you started?

Now I’m definitely more consistent in my workouts and I get 4-5 really good workouts in per week. Whereas before, my workouts were so inconsistent. I’d have a solid week, then due to travel, or just laziness, I wouldn’t get any workouts in the next week. As far as food goes, I’ve been more attentive to my macros and eating whole, unprocessed foods. I also really cut out beer four or five nights a week - I’m not 25 anymore!

3. What has been the hardest part to commit to?

To be honest, not drinking beer! I hope to open my own brewery one day so I’m always on the lookout for a great beer and love local breweries or trying something new.

4. What has been the easiest part to commit to?

Going back to structured workouts. I joined the gym at my office that they just finished remodeling and It requires no thought process on my part because I can go during work hours to a class, and I just show up and they tell me what to do.

5. What does a typical workout day look like now?

Whereas before, I hoped to get to the gym or on a hike after work, it sometimes happened and sometimes didn’t. Now, I joined the gym at work so I’m able to workout during work hours. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I’ve been going to a HIIT class that’s been pretty intense! I have a love-hate relationship with burpees because while they’re painful, I think they are a great full-body exercise, and I’ve been doing a ton of them there! It’s nice because our instructor is always mixing it up, but it’s always killer. That’s why I like to do some nice stretching at our neighborhood gym’s gentle yoga class on the weekends.

 A typical dinner

A typical dinner

6. What does a typical food day look like now?

I used to skip breakfast each day and now I have bulletproof coffee - espresso, ghee, and MCT oil blended together and some eggs and/or a protein shake. Lunch used to be either office party lunches or whatever was in the Pentagon cafeteria. Now, I just make healthier choices and skip hoagies and BBQ platters for grilled chicken and asparagus or other vegetables! The other guys in my office eat pretty healthy too so it’s been pretty easy. For dinner, it’s pretty much the same, a protein (ahi tuna, salmon, chicken or steak) and some veggies and then - no beer in the evening!

7. What does a typical weekend look like now?

It looks pretty good! I just take it easy on the weekends. I still workout because my wife loves to workout too, so we’ll either go to the gym and do a yoga class together, or we’ll go on a 3-4 mile walk with our son—or both. I will however have beer with my buddies while we watch football and we’ll pretty much eat whatever we want - but at this point, I enjoy eating healthier so it’s not like I’m eating pizza and donuts all weekend.

8. What’s been the biggest change so far?

Having a regimented, consistent workout plan. It feels good to get back on track with my fitness routine, which is ultimately what I wanted out of this.

9. How has your body composition or mental outlook changed?

I’ve never been one to weigh myself or go by the number on the scale, but my wife urged me to weigh myself because she noticed some weight loss and I’d lost 7 pounds during the first week! She also measured me and I’ve lost about 3” overall so far, so I’ll take it! Then I had a guy’s trip over the weekend, and I’m not going to lie, I didn’t workout and I did eat out and drink at different social events the entire weekend. But Monday came and I got right back on track. Physically, I feel stronger and mentally I feel like I have more control over my routine and health and fitness choices. Also, my clothes are fitting much looser so it’s all motivation to keep me going.

Next we’ll check back in with Ned in another month for Part 3 of his transformation to see how he’s doing and feeling and if he’ll continue his journey.

from Blog - YOGABYCANDACE https://ift.tt/2EHJRgn

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