Yoga Teachers: Be Sure to Avoid These 5 Things When You Teach AcroYoga


With such growing popularity, AcroYoga is not only super fun to practice, but also to teach! Lots of yoga teachers are adding this into their repertoire of teaching styles, but there are some things you should know before teaching AcroYoga . . .
Do you remember the first time you practiced AcroYoga? It’s no secret that it takes time to learn all the techniques and rules associated with this practice.
AcroYoga teachers should have very specific safety training, both to break down the poses with progressions and to deeply understand the cues. When you teach, you should be able to articulate the three main roles of the flyer, the base, and the spotter. And, you need to be able to step into any of these roles to demonstrate!
While it’s a super fun practice to teach, there are some risks involved. So, it’s important to prepare for and avoid those risks before jumping into the seat of the teacher.

Yoga Teachers: Here Are 5 Risks to Avoid When You Teach AcroYoga

There are many different AcroYoga trainings that will undoubtedly make you a safe teacher and practitioner. But, before you teach AcroYoga, let’s break down some of the top five risks that you should be aware of so you can preemptively avoid them.

1. Injury

As with all yoga styles, this is a risk you obviously want to avoid. One wrong foot placement, something (or someone) moving too fast, or a slight distraction can topple things over in an AcroYoga class – and quickly. It’s imperative you keep this in mind and always have safety as your number one priority!
Expert Tip: Keep safety at the forefront of your mind throughout class and offer plenty of modifications and variations for all skill levels of students.

2. Distractions

Countless times, students who are more experienced will take variations and divert attention from what you are teaching. This can cause potential chaos in class. Everyone wants to do the really cool tricks, but if they are not taught properly, it can lead to injury.
Expert Tip: Try your best to maintain control of the whole room – even if that means asking your more experienced students to return to the basics.

3. Multi-Level Classes

In the same class you might get people who have been practicing AcroYoga for months or even years mixed with students who have never practiced yoga before. This makes you juggle a lot at once.
Expert Tip: If you’re a relatively new AcroYoga teacher, label your classes as a specific level to avoid having to split your attention (and your cues) amongst multiple levels of studentship.

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4. Teaching Solo

Teaching alone to a big group of new students can be really inspiring and rewarding. But, sometimes, teaching AcroYoga alone can be challenging as you have to divide your attention and step in as a base, fly, or spot.

AcroYoga teachers should have very specific safety training, both to break down the poses with progressions and to deeply understand the cues.

This will happen a lot in order to transmit the experience properly to specific students. Unfortunately, however, this can take your attention away from the rest of the group. Because of this, it can lead to someone getting hurt or feeling left out.
Expert Tip: Ask an AcroYoga buddy to co-teach with you to share the responsibility or ask your advanced students for a helping hand.

5. Uneven Groups of Students

Yet again, safety is the goal and having groups of three really helps to keep everything flowing as it should with a base, a fly, and a spot in each group. Sometimes, you get uneven-sized groups, which – if you had a very specific class plan in mind – can force you to change things up at the last minute.
Expert Tip: Be aware of the potential discomforts that could come your way. Keep an open mind and an open plan when you walk in to teach.


Now, Here Are 3 Tips to Teach Safe and Fun AcroYoga Classes

Apart from the risks, teaching AcroYoga can be absolutely amazing and rewarding! So, here are some great pointers to keep your AcroYoga classes fun, consistent, and, of course, safe.

1. Plan, Plan, Plan

When you plan your AcroYoga classes, plan an A, a B, and a C sequence just in case you have newbies in need of modifications or experts in need of variations. You’ll already have three separate AcroYoga classes ready to go!
Take time to make sure your new students feel supported and your more advanced students feel challenged. Have some fun variations up your sleeve that will both challenge your students and keep them excited about coming back to your AcroYoga classes again!

2. Have a Support Team

Use your most loyal students as demos, pair them up in groups with beginners so you can be free to adjust, demonstrate, and pass the experience along. It’s great to empower your loyal students and help them help others. The clearer you are in roles, the more your routine will feel established, safe, and fun.

3. Create Progressive Series

Create series that build on each other and will keep your students connected for a few weeks. Find inspiration to create cool and unique flows or training sequences. With AcroYoga, if you can focus on a goal, then your teaching will be layered and you will see great results!

The Takeaway on Teaching Safe AcroYoga Classes

AcroYoga is an amazing practice as long as you have safety as your number one goal. As a yoga teacher, you have a lot of responsibility on your shoulders when you teach Acro. But, you also get a lot of enjoyment!
AcroYoga is one of the best community-building practices as it not only allows people to laugh and bond, but it also forces people to step outside of their comfort zones – which is the very best place to grow!

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