Chocolate Pecan Pie Cookie Cobbler

Here’s the thing I’ve found out about pecan pie – it’s a real son of b*tch. It’s probably just me and my lack of baking abilities, but I tried for a year to get the perfect pecan pie bars. But life wanted to kick my ego to the ground and pee on it. I made chocolate pecan pie bars at least 6 times over a year time span. I tried last year and gave up. Then I tried this year once again to no avail. But luckily I have some smart friends. And when I failed hard the last time and complained about it on social media, my genius friend Jennifer of Predominantly Paleo told me to just call it a cobbler. Duh. I’m an idiot. Here I have this delicious dessert that looks ugly AF but tastes amazing – aka a cobbler. So that’s exactly what you have here. A dessert that doesn’t make much sense until you put it in your mouth and fall in love. Just try it and then you’ll understand why it had to become a dessert on your Thanksgiving table.

PaleOMG Chocolate Pecan Pie Cookie Cobbler

Speaking of Thanksgiving, I’M FREAKING THE F*CK OUT. It really has nothing to do with Thanksgiving other than the fact I’m going out of town for Thanksgiving. Out of the country. To the other side of the freaking world. To a place I’ve never been, that has different outlets, and some spotty cell service. I’m heading to New Zealand at the end of this week and I’m starting to get nervous about it. Mostly because of the time change and needing to get my work done on time. Even though this business is my own and I can do whatever I want, I still keep a pretty regular schedule. I wake up, finish my blog post, and have it live by 7am at the latest. Problem is when it’s 7am in Colorado on a Tuesday, it’s 3am in New Zealand on a Wednesday with maybe no wifi and spotty service. I’m not sure how I’m going to figure all this out which is my main source of anxiety, but it will all come together. Right?!

PaleOMG Chocolate Pecan Pie Cookie Cobbler

I need to channel my anxiety into other tasks, like working and working out. Or cuddling with my dog. I can’t believe I’m not going to see him for 10 days. Don’t tell my husband but I’ve been letting Jackson sleep in bed with me while he’s been out of town. Which makes me really glad that’s never been a regular occurrence. Dogs smell bad and turn so their bum holes towards your face when you least expect it. It’s an unsafe situation. But now I understand why lots of moms sleep with their babies at first. I just want to cuddle and squeeze the crap out of him, especially since I’m leaving soon. Dogs are the best.

PaleOMG Chocolate Pecan Pie Cookie Cobbler

Now wait, I know we got away from the topic of New Zealand, but I gotta wrap back around. Yes, I know I’m annoying. But I’ve never gone this far across the world. I’ve only gone to the Caribbean and Central America, but never on a 12 hour flight. So I want to plan accordingly for this hellishly long flight. What do you think are some must-haves? I’m sure some of you out there have flown internationally quite often and what do you always bring? I obviously want to download a couple movies, bring my noise cancelling headphones that are the big headphones not the earbuds, I’ll definitely pack some snacks…but what else should I take with me to live through this flight? I’m excited to see your answers!

Now enough about me…let’s eat whatever this dessert concoction is!

PaleOMG Chocolate Pecan Pie Cookie Cobbler

Chocolate Pecan Pie Cookie Bars

Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour
Total Time 9 hours 20 minutes
Yields 16 bars


For the crust

For the pecan filling

For the chocolate layer

  • 1/2 cup dark chocolate chips


  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Spray a pie plate with coconut oil spray.
  2. Add cookies to a food processor and pulse to break down. Then add ghee and pulse to combined until a crumbly mixture is created. Place crumbled mixture in the pie plate and press down until evenly throughout the entire dish.
  3. Whisk together eggs, sugar, coconut nectar maple syrup, tapioca and coconut flour, vanilla extract, cinnamon and salt.
  4. Place pecans throughout the baking dish then pour the sugar and egg mixture on top of the pecans.
  5. Cover pie plate with foil and place in oven to bake for 30 minutes. Remove foil and bake for 30 more minutes. Then as soon as it comes out of the oven, sprinkle the chocolate chips on top, which will slightly melt once it hits the hot sugar.
  6. You can truly serve this however you prefer. You can let it cool completely before serving or serve warm. Either way, it's delicious with ice cream on top!


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PaleOMG Chocolate Pecan Pie Cookie Cobbler

PaleOMG Chocolate Pecan Pie Cookie Cobbler


More Thanksgiving Dessert Ideas!

PaleOMG Pumpkin Pie Cookie Crisp

Pumpkin Pie Cookie Crisp

PaleOMG Caramel Pear Upside Down Cake

Cardamom Caramel Pear Upside Down Cake


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from PaleOMG – Paleo Recipes

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