How to Stay in Running Shape in Between Races Podcast

Today we’re talking about how I almost died on a run, how to stay in shape after your race (when you’re not training) and stretching! But first a lil introduction… I’m Monica – I started a running blog to document training for my first marathon. And it turns out I really love running, eating and talking about it! So I kept running and blogging and it grew into a full time job and now this podcast. [If you’re new to the podcast – use the Podcast app on iPhone or Stitcher on Android and search Run Eat Repeat to subscribe and listen for free.]

How to stay in running shape after your race (534x800)

Warm Up:

I saw a RATTLE SNAKE while I was running a couple days ago!!!

I was just running along and I don’t even know how I spotted it – they’re camouflaged so well! It wasn’t moving so I thought maybe it was sleeping or stalking prey or full from eating and wouldn’t want to bug me. But I was way too scared to pass. So I did what any runner / podcaster would do… I made a video of it for Instagram.

run instagram video

I’m talking to Lesa Johnston, Marketing Specialist for the California Fish and Wildlife to share some tips on how to stay safe while running. We’re talking about things like…

What do you do if you see a snake on a run or walk?

What should you do if you see a snake on a trail?  

What other animals should we be mindful of while out exercising in the summer?

Are there any safety precautions we should take? (Time of day / Going solo / Making noise / etc)

Where should runners go for info on what to be mindful of where they’re located?

Check out the California Fish and Wildlife website for more information here:

snake charmer


How do you stay in shape in between training cycles? What to do after your race?

Make sure you celebrate your victory before moving forward. People might ask ‘What’s next?’ or you might wonder what you should do after

Give yourself time to really fast in the glow of what you just did you don’t want to diminish it or quickly move on because a lot of hard work went into it period only with that if something you know is just fine their first 5k or 10K congratulate them and praise them but don’t necessarily ask if they’re going to do the next distance after that. Maybe you could ask them what are you going to do with your time now that you were running before but not necessarily well are you going to run a full Marathon now.

1. Consider your physical health and mental health.

– Give your body time to rest and recover fully.

– Give your mind time to rest and recover fully.

One might be ready to sign up for another race or start training again faster than the other. Ideally wait until you WANT to run another race and your body is ready to show up and work hard.

2. Set another fitness goal – maybe one that’s not running.

– Join a sports team

– Sign up for a package of classes or find a class at the gym you like or take a dance class

– Do a fun run with friends

3. Keep running by having a set schedule of running and other workouts


Run – Mon / Wed / Fri  – Strength Train – Tue / Thu – Activity – Sat or Sun

Run Eat Repeat Running Shape Plan (800x566)


21 Day Stretch Challenge – today’s stretch is a low lunge.

See my Instagram post to check in with your workout and tips on how to do this stretch.

Runner Stretch day 12

If you have a question for me – email me at or call the voicemail line 562 888 1644

Run Eat Repeat podcast question (800x800)

Thank you for listening. Please tell someone that likes running or eating about this podcast.

Have a great run!

The post How to Stay in Running Shape in Between Races Podcast appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

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