Weekly Workouts + What I Ate in a Day

Helloooooo out there! Happy Monday, you little bundle of joy. Well I sure hope you’re a bundle of joy. It was 4th of July last week and I know a ton of people were out of town over the weekend, so hopefully you did something fun instead of just melting in the blistering sun everywhere. I just stayed indoors and organized my home. That’s the only real option I had since I don’t have a pool to go to. But MAN does my pantry look good!

Anywho, DID YOU HEAR THE NEWS YET?! I just came out with another round of activewear!! But not just leggings this time around. This time I came out with 7/8 length leggings, crops, shorts, and sports bras – all in 6 different colors and patterns. This activewear is my favorite yet! Each pieces is incredibly comfortable, they stay in place while working out, they don’t rub in all the wrong places, and every single pair has a pocket on the side, even the shorts! I’m doing a giveaway on instagram at the moment so don’t forget to sign up! CLICK HERE to get your own PaleOMG x Four Athletics activewear and use code PALEOMG to get 10% off your order!

PaleOMG Activewear

And I just wanted to mention, this week on the podcast, I chat a little bit about getting back on track after traveling. My weight fluctuates already, but when I add travel to it with all the desserts and fun cocktails that come my way…well that leads to some major weight fluctuations. I use to get super upset about it and make excuses to why I was gaining weight, but now I’m at a point in my life where I just own it. I own that I’m making the conscious decisions to enjoy myself and the food that I may never try again in my life in a place I may never go back to in my life. Sure, it means some weight gain, but I wouldn’t trade those moments for anything. And now that I’ve been able to own those decisions, I’m able to get back on track within a couple weeks of being a little more strict and conscious with my diet. And those also means a bit of carb cycling. I talk about it in my podcast and then someone asked me to compared a low carb to a high carb day, so I did below of my daily food journal. Hope that helps you guys out who may be going through the same stuff this summer!

Sunday – Rest Day

Monday – CrossFit Broadway Class

Deadlift : (16 mins)

  • 7 @ 73%
  • 6 @ 78%
  • 5 @ 83%
  • 4 @ 88%
  • 3 @ 93% – I worked up to 185#

Then For Time: (8 min cap)

  • 30 Power Cleans (185/125)
  • 30 Lateral Burpees Over Bar

I finished in 4:45 using 1053

Tuesday – CrossFit Broadway Class

Front Squats: 13 mins to find heavy 3 – I did 4 sets of 7/7 box step downs instead of front squats to help with my irritated hip

Then For Time: (12 min cap)

  • 50 C2B Pull Ups
  • 40 T2B
  • 30 Power Snatch (165/110)

I finished in 9:50 maybe? using 65# power snatch and doing regular kipping pull ups

Wednesday – Rest Day

Thursday – CrossFit Broadway Class

Every 90 secs x 9 Sets (12 mins) – 2 x Squat Cleans into 1 Split Jerk – To lay off my hip and shoulder a bit, I did 8 total back rack lunges, increasing weight throughout

* first set at 60%, add as you go.

Then 30-25-20-15 Reps For Time: (12 min cap)

  • Cal Row
  • HSPU (Kipping allowed) / Deficit Push Ups

I had 10 push ups left in this workout doing deficit push ups instead of handstand push ups

Friday – CrossFit Broadway Class

Every 2 mins x 16mins, Alternating

  • 200m Sprint then in remainder of time max alternating pistols
  • 18/12 Cal Bike then in remainder of time max muscle ups or burpee pull ups

*score is total pistols and Muscle Ups combined – I got 64 total reps

Then 6min AMRAP OF:

  • 14 Alternating DB Snatch (50/35)
  • 8 + 8 Single Arm OH Lunge (50/35)

I got 4+13 using 30#

Saturday – CrossFit Broadway Class

25 minute partner AMRAP:

Buy in- 470m run together

Then AMRAP in the remaining time:

10 hang power cleans (155/105)

10 toes to bar

10 burpees

*1 person completes all 3 movements before switching with partner

I believe we finished 11 or 12 rounds, but I did not care because it was Saturday


Free Travel Workout:

15 min AMRAP:

15 jumping squats

15 push ups

15 tuck jumps

On Sale Activewear:

Zella High Waist Leggings (40% off)

Splits59 Crop Tank (40% off)

Nike High Waist Tights (40% off)

Zella Sweatshirt (40% off)

Adidas Running Shoes (25% off)


What I Ate in a Day:

(Someone recently asked if I could compare a lower carb day to a higher carb day so you can see the difference in this post compared to this one)

Once I woke up, I started my day off how I always do – with coffee at 6am. I made a hot cup of coffee with a tablespoon or so of heavy cream, some liquid stevia and a heaping tablespoon of collagen.

For breakfast, I had leftovers from the night before Рoven roasted salmon, saut̩ed brussels sprouts, peppers and zucchini, and oven roasted asparagus.

For a mid morning snacks, I had 1/2 a Kite Hill Greek Yogurt mixed with a tiny bit of maple syrup, some peanut butter powder, hemp hearts, coconut chips, and chia seeds.

For lunch, I ate at Modern Market and ordered the curry salmon bowl with rice, kale curry and salmon.

While I made dinner, I ate a small bowl of peanuts and coconut chips.

For dinner, I made fish lettuce wraps with some cod, avocado cream, veggies, and a tomato salad (you can see how I made this recipe on the highlight section of my instagram under ‘easy meals’).


I may be compensated through affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running! Thank you for your support with PaleOMG!


from PaleOMG – Paleo Recipes https://ift.tt/2J6J8ly

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