The FatForWeightLoss Show #12 – Losing 192lb using the ketogenic diet

In this episode, It’s my pleasure to interview Meg

Meg lives in the NYC metropolitan area and has a professional background in elementary education.

She grew up overweight and started focusing on health at 25. Unlike many others, She had never really tried to lose weight before that, she just remembers hearing and reading that lasting weight loss was impossible, that most people who are able to lose a significant amount of weight inevitably regain it at some point, so she assumed there would be no point.

Fortunately, once Meg started the changes were significant and quite addictive! She stuck with it and has lost 192lbs. She says It’s difficult to fully express how much my life has changed – before she spent most days off work in bed, exhausted. She also says mentally; the changes have been profound – she was previously a chronic procrastinator and has become generally ambitious and active. She says now she loves to exercise and move primarily because it feels so amazing not to be limited by her physical body anymore!

In this episode, we talk about how she managed to lose the weight, some of the success and failures along the way, and how voluntary hardship has pointed her in the right direction throughout her life.

Instagram – @baconand_megs

So Please welcome, Meg,

  1. Start with a personal story


  1. A little about you


  1. What was the motivation for you to start eating low carb / keto?


  1. So you lost 192 lb (almost 90 kgs), firstly congratulations, how does everyday life change for you when you’ve experienced both sides of the scales so to speak?


  1. What were some of the biggest successes throughout the weight loss journey, and in contrast to what were some of the failures along the way? (going off keto impact?)


  1. How has exercise had an impact on your physical body, and your mental space?


  1. What’s the hardest thing about maintaining weight?


Quick questions

  1. What’s your favorite low carb food?
  2. What’s your favorite exercise
  3. What’s your least favorite low carb keto food?
  4. What is your least favorite exercise?
  5. What book or video has recently inspired you?
  6. What music have you been listening to recently?
  7. If someone out there is currently in your position right now where you were 5 years ago, what would you say to them? And what would you NOT say to them?


Websites Mentioned:

Books Mentioned:
Brain Over Binge – Kathryn Hansen

The Body Keeps The Score – Bessel A. van der Kolk



G Huges BBQ Sauce

The post The FatForWeightLoss Show #12 – Losing 192lb using the ketogenic diet appeared first on FatForWeightLoss.

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