Overnight Breakfast Casserole (Make Ahead)

Paleo Grubs
Paleo Grubs -

There’s nothing better than waking up early in the morning, grabbing a prepared breakfast out of the fridge, and throwing it into the oven before you head off to shower and get ready. By the time you’re ready to go, you can enjoy a warm meal fresh out of the oven. That’s exactly what you can do with this recipe for an overnight breakfast casserole -- take 10 minutes in the evening to prepare it and then chill it overnight so it’s ready to be baked first thing in the morning.

Time-Saving Prep Work

The evening before you want to enjoy this delicious casserole, heat up some olive oil over a medium heat. If you aren’t already regularly using olive oil for all of your paleo frying needs, then you really should be. Not only does it add a nice hint of olive flavor to many recipes, but it’s an excellent source of heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids as well. Olive oil has been shown to play a significant role in reducing your risk of developing cardiovascular disease. (1) After heating up the oil, add in your Italian sausage and cook it until it’s no longer pink.

While the sausage will add a slightly spicy kick to the casserole, you’re also going to want to add in some fresh veggies to help balance things out. This recipe calls for broccoli florets and sweet potatoes that have been cut into cubes. Both of these vegetables will provide your casserole with an abundance of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Cook them both in olive oil and then combine them with your Italian sausage. Season this mixture with salt and pepper, and then place it into a baking dish.

Next up is preparing the eggs. As with many of my paleo casserole recipes, I like to whisk together six eggs and mix them with parsley. The eggs help to up the protein and healthy fat content, while the parsley is full of antioxidants and may even help to improve your digestion. (2) Once your egg mixture has been prepared, simply pour it over top of the sausage and veggies and then let it chill overnight. 

As soon as you wake up in the morning, preheat your oven to 350°F and throw the casserole in. You can then go about your morning routine and let the casserole bake for about 45 minutes or so. And voila! A warm, delicious breakfast casserole all ready to go before you leave the house that doesn’t take any time out of your morning routine. 

P.S. – If you’re looking for inspiration for some other healthy paleo breakfast ideas, then I’ve got a few excellent recommendations for you:

#1 – Paleo Granola Breakfast Cups with Homemade Cashew Yogurt

#2 – Paleo Kale and Red Pepper Frittata

#3 – Homemade Paleo Breakfast Sausage

Overnight Breakfast Casserole (Make Ahead)
Jess (Paleo Grubs)

from Paleo Grubs https://ift.tt/2O7lkl8

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