Use These 3 Fall Equinox Rituals to Bring Balance and Abundance to Your Life


The fall equinox is about bounty and balance. This time of equal day and night is marked by the peak of harvest season, which can be interpreted as the physical harvest of food or the energetic harvest of the fruits of your spiritual labor.

A ritual is a beautiful way to honor this time and its energy and give thanks to yourself, the earth, and the universe. You can even involve friends and family in this ritual as bounties and abundance are meant to be shared. Prosperity for everyone!

The fall equinox is about bounty and balance.

Each year, we experience two equinoxes and two solstices – the tipping points of each season. In autumn and spring, there is a perfect balance between day and night. In summer, we experience the longest day and the shortest night. Winter provides the opposite. These turning points have long been celebrated across cultures as they usher in a new season and bid adieu to the past.

This year, the fall equinox in the northern hemisphere falls on September 22nd, 2018. Rituals for the fall equinox help you to bring balance, abundance, and gratitude to your life and the lives of your loved ones.


Practice These 3 Fall Equinox Rituals

Traditionally, during the fall equinox, people enjoyed the bounty that was grown by the sun of summer between friends, families, and villages. They shared the abundance of food and reconnected after a long and arduous harvest season.

Use these three rituals to simulate tradition. They can all be performed in one sitting. It is recommended that you perform them within 48 hours of the fall equinox (before or after).


1. Gather to Feast

Whether you garden or not, seasonal fruits and vegetables can still be shared between you and your loved ones. The harvesting and ripening of fruits and vegetables is energetically indicative of the energy of summer, and subsequent shedding for the fall equinox.

Apples are the traditional bounty of autumn. So, make hot apple cider or apple pie as a beautiful way to use what is in abundance and share it around! This is also a way to honor and harvest your own manifestations planted at the summer solstice.

Put it into practice: Set your table with a cornucopia centerpiece and elements that represent autumn. Sit around the table and, as you enjoy the feast, share what you are grateful for or what you have manifested since the summer solstice. This powerful time is an opportunity to give thanks.


2. Connect With the Earth

Even if you’re a city slicker, connection with the earth is always available. And just like the earth, we too experience the seasons and rhythms of nature. We are called to honor the abundance in our lives and prepare to shed the layers of that which no longer serves us like the falling of leaves.

Earthing is the practice of connecting with the earth by placing our feet or entire bodies on the ground. We can absorb the energy of the earth and also release anything that we are holding onto into the earth to transmute for us.

Put it into practice: Go to a park, your backyard, wide-open nature, or anywhere that you can connect directly with the land. Meditate on receiving and releasing. Give thanks to the earth for the support, love, abundance, and life we are fortunate to experience.


3. Create Balance

As we celebrate abundance and prepare to shed, this natural rhythm will also usher us to create balance in our lives.

Have you been giving too much and not allowing yourself to receive or give to yourself? Are there relationships in your life that drain you of energy and leave you feeling depleted? Do you wish someone or something offered you more bounty and abundance freely?

Put it into practice: Consider these questions and sit with what comes up. Write down the different areas of your life where you give and receive. Work to strike a balance and bring more peace and an even flow of exchange. The energy of the fall equinox will assist you.


Connect With the Fall Equinox

It may be hard to strike a balance between your personal life, professional life, daily obligations, relationships, and everything else we experience as humans. But that is why it can be so beneficial to tune in to the rhythm of nature.

We are never faced with anything we cannot overcome or thrive from. The earth is a constant reminder of this. When we tune in to the seasons and fluctuations, we see that we are no different from the trees and the bees.

This simple realization is incredibly powerful and, it is during times like the solstice and the equinox (when the energies of the earth are palpable), that we are easily able to tap into our essence.

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