Guided Meditation Video to Zap Stress

 Wearing our Namaslay® Muscle Tank

Wearing our Namaslay® Muscle Tank

Disclaimer: This video is brought to you by Yoga Accessories, who generously donated these three bolsters to create this video. Thanks for supporting the companies that support YBC®.

I’m currently in DC at one of those restaurants that seats you right ON TOP of the people next to you, so I can’t help but eavesdrop and the pair of people next to me is going on and on about how stressed out they are, how they can’t sleep because they keep checking their phones and their emails throughout the night. They literally just said, in a completely serious tone, that perhaps things will calm down in about twenty-five years when they’ve retired. Yikes. I am tempted to turn to them and hand them my card and tell them to come to Kenya with us. But I don’t have any business cards, and I don’t want them to know I’m eavesdropping.

Anyway. If I were more brave, I would also tell them about this video I recently shot in partnership with Yoga Accessories. Bolsters, if you’re looking to amp up your home practice, are fantastic yoga props that can literally and metaphorically take your practice to new heights. For this guided meditation to zap stress, we’ll be using three bolsters for supine fish with cobbler’s pose legs. If you happen to now own three bolsters, get creative and use couch cushions or body pillows or something similar. Or, do it without any props at all and simply lay in corpse pose. Essentially, the majority of the benefits come from the actual guided verbal meditation, and the props are just the cherries on top. Give it a try and let me know how it goes for you down in the comments section below!


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