Out of This World Chocolate Brownie Cookies

Paleo Grubs
Paleo Grubs -

Craving a chocolate treat that’s absolutely decadent? Then look no further than these perfectly decadent chocolate brownie cookies. Foregoing the huge amounts of sugar and other junk food additives normally found in store brand brownies and cookies, this recipe uses all natural ingredients to make healthy and delicious snacks that your entire family will go nuts for.

A Healthier Way to Make Cookies 

As every good cookie lovers knows, one of the best parts about making homemade cookies is preparing the cookie dough from scratch (and maybe even sampling a spoonful or two of it). This recipe is no exception. It starts by mixing together the almond flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, and salt. If you’ve never used almond flour to make your cookies before, then you’re in for a real treat. It has a naturally sweet flavor and an almost buttery texture when baked. Almonds in general are incredibly beneficial for your cardiovascular health (1) and almond flour is no exception.

Coconut Sugar, A Low Glycemix Index Sweetener

With those ingredients combined, turn your attention to mixing together the ghee (or if you’d prefer, grass fed butter can also be used as an acceptable alternative) with the coconut sugar. Unlike sugar cane and other natural sugar sources, coconut sugar is quite low on the glycemic index, making it an ideal baking sugar for your paleo needs. The next step is then to add in a single egg with some vanilla extract as well. Beat this mixture well and then blend it into your almond flour mixture.

cookie ingredients

Dairy-Free and Sugar-Free Chocolate Chips

Your cookie dough is nearly all set, and if you sample it at this point, you’ll taste the delicious chocolate flavor provided by the cocoa powder. But we’re not done yet! Next you’ll be adding in some dairy and sugar-free semi sweet chocolate chips to really take the chocolate factor to the next level. By using these natural chocolate sources for this recipe, not only will your cookies end up with that delightfully decadent flavor you’re looking for, but you’re also ensuring that these chocolate brownie cookies are also providing your body with helpful antioxidants as well. (2)

mixing the cookie dough
cookie dough balls

Top It Off with Some Ice Cream

What’s a chocolate brownie without some ice cream? We have some amazing paleo ice cream recipes for you to try. Get creative with your combinations. We love our classic vanilla, but there’s always double chocolate for all you chcocolate lovers out there. Cap it off with some fresh fruit on top to cut through the richness of the dessert. Yum!

chunky chocolate cookies

There’s nothing better than spending the holiday season with your loved ones, making new memories and sharing in some delicious food. It’s definitely the time of year to indulge! Enjoying treats such as these chocolate brownie cookies shouldn’t make you feel guilty–especially if they’re made using this recipe to be completely paleo-friendly. 

Speaking of perfectly decadent chocolate brownies and cookies, we also have several other fantastic recipes for both that you might like to try out for even more guilt-free paleo treats. Here’s some of my personal favorites:

#1 – Lavender Maca Brownies

#2 – The Best Paleo Brownies

#3 – No-Bake Chocolate Cookies

#4 – Chocolate Crinkle Cookies

Out of This World Chocolate Brownie Cookies
Jess (Paleo Grubs)

from Paleo Grubs https://ift.tt/2Omm5Kz

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