9 Reasons I Need a Massage Membership
This post is written in partnership with Massage Envy, however all opinions are my own.
Hello! I’m back from a session at Massage Envy and am sharing my thoughts on why I love massages and some information on their monthly memberships.
I think I started getting massages earlier than most people. When I was in college my boyfriend gave me a gift certificate for a massage for a place he went to regularly. His mom and sisters went all the time too and I remember them talking about it fairly often. Whenever one of them recently had a massage they’d mention their favorite massage therapist or which type of massage they requested. I thought of them as super awesome down to earth people which helped me see this as something for everyone – not just fancy people (something I probably thought before).
And once I had my first massage I was hooked. Did that happen to you?
Massages are so relaxing and therapeutic and amazing and they’re good for you too!
I had a 60 minute session at Massage Envy yesterday (there’s a location super close to my place). I think I walked in feeling stiff as a board and walked out so noodle-y and relaxed. It was ahhhh-mazing.
Every time I get a massage I feel so good – both physically and mentally! I think, “I should do this more often!!”
Then, I forget or make excuses or think it’s too expensive. But Massage Envy offers monthly memberships that are super affordable and make it a part of your self care routine. Boom. This way it’s going to happen – you are going to have a wonderful massage or facial every month.

I put together 9 reasons why I need a massage. But I don’t think you need to justify it – they’re so awesome I vote go for it just because. But since we’re sharing (or at least I am)…
9 Reasons I Need a Massage Every Month:
- I keep a lot of tension and stress in my neck and shoulders.
- I get knots in my upper back.
- I feel anxious a lot and physically that manifests itself in tightness down the sides of my neck and shallow breathing.
- It helps me know where my trouble spots are located.
- There are certain areas – especially in my back, lower back and hip flexors that I can’t stretch or foam roll.
- It gives me time to just relax, breathe and be in the moment.
- It makes me feel calm.
- I like it!
- It feels like a mental and physical stress reliever.

The point is – I’m a fan of massages.
I’m also a fan of calling them smagges a la Honey Boo Boo. (Anyone else remember that?)

And I love the monthly membership at Massage Envy because it makes it a regular part of your self care routine. Boom. It’s what you do all the time – not once in a while – that’s what matters most!
Bonus… apparently they have an app now too.
I dig anything that makes is super easy for me to make appointments since I don’t use my phone for calls or text messages.
You can get find a Massage Envy near you and more info on their site here – Massage Envy.
When you go in for an introductory session a staff member will go over all their membership options. They’re really good about answering any and all questions on pricing, schedule, difference services, etc.
Question: When was the last time you had a massage?
This post is sponsored by Massage Envy. All opinions are my own.
The post 9 Reasons I Need a Massage Membership appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.
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