#BONUS – Running A Ketogenic Marathon (Gold Coast) – Aaron Day (FatForWeightLoss)

This episode is a little bonus episode, where I basically do a podcast on a post-race digest, but instead of someone else, I’ll be interviewing myself.

If you’re interested in completing your own keto half marathon or keto marathon in a ketogenic state, then I’ve put together a training plan just for you

Keto Full Marathon 12 Week Training Program

keto marathon training guide

Keto Half Marathon 12 Week Training Program

keto half marathon



  1. I always like to have some sort of crazy goal,
    1. that’s usually out of reach of my current potential
    2. or done in a different way
    3. without these goals, I default to being a lazy slob with no purpose.
    4. Goals? ride through Europe, three peaks challenge Melbourne, and recently this marathon.
  1. How I got into the ketogenic diet,
    1. King of bananas
    2. implemented during my three peaks training, got a six pack but hit walls all over the place, and decided to put it on the back burner for a while.
    3. Went too low carb, and wasn’t able to burn fat fast enough for the heart rate I was putting out.
  1. Training:
    1. Common mistakes I have experienced/see people doing
    2. 3 runs per week
    3. 1 interval run
    4. 1 tempo run
    5. 1 long run
    6. Bike rides
    7. Core workouts
    8. Changes?
  1. So, how did the race go?
    1. Fast Half (too fast)
    2. Slow middle, hit a wall around 25kms
    3. Last 7 km finished well
    4. Last 2 km I was finally overtaking others
  1. Nutrition for the race
    1. Pre-race almond butter packets and 1 coffee
    2. 4 scoops of low carb fuel by Endura
    3. 1 packet of almond butter mixed with MCT oil
    4. Water at most aid stations after 10kms
    5. A small amount of Endura at aid stations 30kms and 35kms
    6. 2 bottles of water and a high protein bar. (straight away)
    7. Home  – scrambled eggs with butter, ½ avocado, and some camembert.
    8. Final Thoughts  –  Trickle in carbs using a Zach Bitter Approach.
  1. Pacing:
    1. Fast half marathon, which felt easy.
    2. Burnt through too much glycogen, which resulted in a 25km wall
    3. Pace went from under 6min km to 6:30, 7, 7:30, at times 8mins
    4. Once I got to the 30km mark, I was able to get my heart rate down to Maff zone, sit in around 7:30min km
    5. Until the last 2kms which I finished in under 6min km.
    6. Final thoughts? A slower start, no crash, strong finish.

Shorter Questions

  1. What’s your favorite keto food? – Eggs
  2. What’s your favorite style of training run? ? Either a long run that pushes your limits or a short fast interval run which gives you a runner’s high
  3. What’s your least favorite keto food? –  I don’t have one because I grew up in a large family, which means if you don’t eat it, there isn’t anything else. Brussels sprouts.
  4. What’s your least favorite training run? Tempo Runs at a high pace or one without an agreed-on finish.
  5. Who are you currently inspired by?
    1. Michael Shelley  – Commonwealth games gold at GC and Glasgow
    2. Kenneth Mungara  –  45 year old runner who won Gold Coast Marathon
    3. Kurt Fernley  –  An inspiring athlete gold in Paralympics Athens, Beijing, commonwealth games
    4. Madison de Rozario  –  Wheelchair marathon racer gold at Doha, London, Gold Coast
    5. Gwen Jorgensen –  2016 Olympic Gold Triathlon  – Training Tactics
    6. Bradley Wiggins –  Tour De France Winner 2012, Hour Record – Book (My Hour)
    7. Marianne Vos  – Dutch Cyclist who is pushing women and cycling
    8. Zach Bitter –  12 hour World Record,100-mile American record holder.
    9. Ben Greenfield – Diving into low carb endurance and sharing his experience.
    10. Alex Honold  –  Climber who is pushing the boundaries of free climbing
    11. Kent Beasley, Part of the organization team at Brisbane Cycling Club.
  1. Who is your number 1 supporter?
    1. My partner Adele
  2. What book or video you’ve watched recently inspired you?
    1. The subtle art of not giving a F#$@#
    2. Dan Mace Recent Youtube Videos
  3. What music have you been listening to recently? (do you find music puts you off)
    1. Fat Freddie’s Drop
    2. The Black Seeds
    3. KatchaFire
    4. Kendrick Lamar
    5. Remi
    6. Hermitude
    7. Phoenix
    8. Two Door Cinema Club
    9. Django Reindheart
    10. Charlie Parker
    11. Rodrigo Y Gabriella

Ending Question:

What would you tell someone transitioning from high carb endurance into a low carb style? and what wouldn’t you tell them? ? Still Hurts

Strava Activity -> https://ift.tt/2NlaSGP

The FatForWeightLoss Show

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